The Workout Drink Challenge

by Christian Thibaudeau

Training Nutrition, Perfected

I've used workout nutrition drinks for years. I've never seen one work like this, and I never want to train without it again.

When Biotest CEO Tim Patterson told me the new Surge Workout Fuel (Buy at Amazon) is the best workout formula he's ever made, I thought, "That's a big, bold claim that's a little hard to believe." But I've known Tim for 20 years; his word is gold. So, I was excited to learn more.

Tim said, "We've switched several of our athletes to the new Surge formula, and they're all seeing increased gains, faster recovery, and significantly greater work capacity. Each Surge serving contains 5 grams of L-leucine, 270% more than previous workout formulas, plus it provides two additional power ingredients: 2 grams of beta-alanine, and 1.5 grams of malic acid. We use calibrated electrolytes to engorge muscle with nutrient-dense fluids, stimulating maximum protein synthesis and fueling work capacity. The formula is loaded; there's nothing you could add to make it better."

Tim said he wanted me to be the next one to test it and then go public with my verdict, regardless of the outcome. So, I sent my diet coach a copy of the label to let him know I'm making the change. He immediately texted me, saying, "That's a perfect workout supplement."

Here Are My Test Results

I've used the new Surge (Buy at Amazon) formula for five workouts and can make the following observations:

  1. Lean Mass: I gained 2.5 lbs of lean body weight. I had to do some mental gymnastics because I'm still in a fat loss phase, and seeing my body weight go up was screwing with my mind even though I look and perform better.
  2. Fat Mass: Body fat is either unchanged or slightly lower. My gut feeling is that I'm a bit leaner because I see more deltoid separation, and the brachialis is beginning to appear, which is the last thing to show for me.
  3. Strength: My strength has increased significantly. I used more weight for the same number of reps or more reps with the same weight. But more interestingly, I hit or exceeded all my target reps on every set, which is far from my norm. Typically, I'd need to drop a couple reps on the later sets, but that didn't happen with Surge Workout Fuel. Increasing strength and performance like that is impressive.
  4. The Pump: I look freakishly pumped during and after the workout, like a completely different human being! And the pump lasts for a few hours instead of going flat like usual. I also look and "pinch" leaner as the workout progresses, likely due to pumping a lot more fluid inside the muscle.
  5. Work Capacity: I recover much faster between sets. My current training block uses 2.5-minute rest periods. Now, I'm ready to go in 1.5 minutes.
  6. Energy Levels: I feel much better and have noticeably more energy during my training session. I could add more exercises to my workouts, which is challenging to do at an advanced level.
  7. Warm-Up Time: I typically need two warm-up sets to get a good mind-muscle connection. Now I feel a solid contraction right from the start, so I've stopped doing warm-up sets (except for squats and bench). If I can get the same quality without wasting energy on warm-up sets, that's a win from the growth perspective.

Here's My Objective Assessment

Surge Workout Fuel demonstrably outperforms every workout nutrition formula I've ever used, and it should be evident to anyone who uses workout nutrition. It makes such an improvement in performance and gains I won't train without it - and neither should anyone serious about lifting or competing in sports.

Regardless of your fitness goals, I believe Surge Workout Fuel (Buy at Amazon) will get you there faster and take you farther. It's the perfect workout nutrition drink to use with my training plans.


Surge contains just about every performance and recovery booster you can name. Here's the breakdown:


@Christian_Thibaudeau Did you consume this pre or intra workout? Or both? I am thinking of taking exclusively pre-workout.

I really like the Surge but the price is a bit much

Well, per serving it’s about 25 cents less expensive than a medium cup of regular coffee at Starbucks.


So…$14 a scoop ??

Jk… love the stuff

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ha…good comparison

I just got my first bag of Surge a few weeks back and I really like it. Was skeptical at first. Tend to have a lot of energy as is. Did not want something that made me a live wire. This stuff works as described. I do not get jittery. It makes those “I don’t want to do this today” days some of my best days in the gym.

Now…if I could just get my hands on some Finni bars. Going through withdrawals. Help a brother out.


I hear ya!!

I use Surge, and have explored making my own version of it. Surprisingly, Surge is very cost effective for the ingredients it has. I have also explored alternatives, and there really is nothing else that is caffeine free, has the carbs the I want and need in it, and doesn’t have sucralose. It also tastes really good. I alternate flavors and haven’t gotten tired of, and I’ve been using it since the Surge challenge.

I actually think of it more like food. I always have a serving before my CF workouts or garage workouts, and I otherwise would have needed to eat food beforehand. I mix it, throw it in my gym bag, and consume it during the warm up drills. It makes a tremendous difference in my performance and how I feel during the workout.


I am planning on mixing the night before and drinking on the way to the gym. The directions say it can be mixed up to 24 hours before.
I am using in the place of Finibars for preworkout.

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This is what I would do. I dug the ritual of it.

Next question-I take my creatine before workout. Mix creatine with Surge in the morning after it’s sat all night? Or mix creatine separately?
Not sure if mixing Surge again in the morning will require it to sit the 10 minutes again?

I just spoon the creatine into my mouth and wash it down

I’ll see if I can stomach that!

That’s an even better way to do it. I just never think of it until I’ll getting my gym gear ready. It doesn’t mix great in really cold water, so it’s better to mix it with room temperature water and then cool it like you’re plan.

I mix creatine in my Surge as well. While it may not matter for the timeframe you’re talking about, creatine is not water stable for the long term and will convert into a biologically inert compound via a cyclization reaction. (source: I’m a chemist but you can look this up). To be safe, you may just want to add it in the morning, and shake it up.

This is probably the most effective way to take it and you don’t even need to wash a glass or shaker bottle.


Think shaking it again to mix creatine will make me wait the ten minutes as the instructions say?

What instructions say that? The Surge? If so, you’ve already waited for more than 10 minutes since you mixed that up.


can’t seem to find the tub in stock anywhere?

I digress after doing more research on some of the ingredients it’s definitely the way to go. After my divorce and paying alimony I have to watch everything I spend my money on. I really do like the Surge and plan on keep buying it