Hey Guys,
I’ve been struggling to recover from my past steroid cycles and ive been suffering for almost 3 years.
I’m going to do an ultimate restart. I can’t live like this and i’ve exhausted most if not all my options.
I did a 2nd stint with trt just to make sure that i wasn’t suffering from testosterone depletion even though ive been able to get my natural test levels up pretty high.
Unfortunately it didnt really show any promising results going into the 6th week so I’m gonna cut it out and change course.
My restart will be as follows:
HGH 2iu for 3 months and then 3ius for them on out until i decide to stop
I’ll be just taking hcg for a few weeks at 1000iu twice a week, i need to save money for the hmg.
Ill be going to alldaychemist for hmg and will get 12 75iu vials and take them in a months span.
Once i have the hmg ill be using HCG 500iu M/W/F and HMG 75iu Tu/Th/Sat.
I have a Adex and Aromasin on hand. I’ll be using Adex to start off with at .5mg EOD and adjust as needed. i’ll save aromasin most likely closer to the conclusion of the nolva and clomid portion of the pct.
Afterwards ill be using nolva and clomid at 20/20/20/10/10/5 and 25/25/12.5/12.5 respectively.
This isn’t set in stone. I may choose to increase hgh dose sooner or later, Im still deciding if i should use only 1000ius instead of 1500 of hcg with hmg and i could possibly extend my nolva and clomid use. We’ll see.
If anybody has any critiques or ideas on how to improve this protocol, Im all ears.
Ill also be logging my progress as time goes on for those of you who are interested and for those who are in a desperate situation like mine trying to find solutions.
One last word, I kindly ask that you please keep the negativity to yourself. This process has caused me a lot of pain and i’m already feeling down as it is about this.
please comment if have positive advice or takeaways you’d like to make, thats all.
Thank you.
PS: I’m day 6 into hgh injections and i feel decent. I dont know if its a placebo effect but i feel like theres a tiny bit more life in my member and my energy isnt as terrible as its been, however its still early so i have my fingers crossed.