The T-Beasts Thread

Three of my honker-doodles (African geese).

And the ducker-doodles.


Love your akita. I’ve always wanted to add one to my family. I wish I had time for pets, but as bad as I want one, I can’t bear the thought of the poor puppy at home alone all day. Extremely cruel.

However, I do have 20 teenage wrestlers I take care of. They smell just as bad and also try to fuck anything that moves. Does that count as pets? :slight_smile:


Nova is gorgeous! :slight_smile:

My neighbor has a huge white Akita, nearly 130 lbs, that is one the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen, also one of the sweetest.

[quote]lostinthought wrote:
Bat Cat…one of the biggest pains in my life…but she’s family. We also have another cat who is pure white and her name is Janice. [/quote]

LinT, I’m assuming Bad Cat is not the one in pigtails? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here’s a pic of me and my 3 catchin’ a little TV time.


That has got to be one of the most unique looking cats I have ever seen, he’s really beautiful.

These pics are awesome, keep them coming.

I do feel sorry for my dogs at Halloween time.

Kodiak, on the left, Rotti-Bullmastiff cross. Koko, Rotti-Red Doberman cross.

This is my other dog gleefully out of his costume.

[quote]halfpintdd wrote:
redsol1 wrote:
and Punkin


I think our cats might be twins. :slight_smile: Here’s Skittles. This picture just makes me laugh cause I caught him right after a yawn…he doesn’t look this retarded all the time. [/quote]


[quote]Sabrina wrote:
lostinthought wrote:
Bat Cat…one of the biggest pains in my life…but she’s family. We also have another cat who is pure white and her name is Janice.

LinT, I’m assuming Bad Cat is not the one in pigtails? ;P[/quote]

You would be correct. :slight_smile: Although sometimes their actions very closely mirror each other…

[quote]Magnus157 wrote:
Here’s a pic of me and my 3 catchin’ a little TV time.[/quote]

Greatest pic ever!

On another note, am I the only guy in the world who likes lap dogs? I can’t get enough of terriers and shi tzus. As long as they don’t look like the regal dogs.

[quote]Magnus157 wrote:
Here’s a pic of me and my 3 catchin’ a little TV time.[/quote]

I think I’m in love!

[quote]aikigreg wrote:

Love your akita. I’ve always wanted to add one to my family. I wish I had time for pets, but as bad as I want one, I can’t bear the thought of the poor puppy at home alone all day. Extremely cruel.

However, I do have 20 teenage wrestlers I take care of. They smell just as bad and also try to fuck anything that moves. Does that count as pets? :)[/quote]

Thank you very much! Luckily Nova isn’t left home alone much at all. (Me or WguitarG is always here). They don’t require a ton of exercise and are suitable to be house dogs. Besides, I have to keep her inside because of the weather. I think optimal temp. for Akitas is 45-60F. But when she goes outside, she goes into hunter mode. She can kill a frog mid-jump, sneak up on a squirrel w/out it ever seeing her and kill just about anything else. Of course we don’t let her torture animals :slight_smile:

I think 20 wrestlers count as pets…especially if that’s your definition of a pet. :slight_smile:

[quote]Sabrina wrote:

Nova is gorgeous! :slight_smile:

My neighbor has a huge white Akita, nearly 130 lbs, that is one the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen, also one of the sweetest. [/quote]

Thank you honey!

Your neighbor’s Akita must be male… The males get up around 120-130lbs and the femals 90-110. We think she’ll be around 100. The funny thing about Akitas is they look bigger than they weigh b/c of their fur and how long they are.

Although they are sweet to people they know, if they suspect something is “wrong” with you, they’ll scare the heck out of ya… The lady we purchased her from said she’d trust her Akitas over her alarm system…I can see why. One time I actually had a little boy ask me if she was a wolf.

[quote]danmaftei wrote:
Magnus157 wrote:
Here’s a pic of me and my 3 catchin’ a little TV time.

Greatest pic ever!

On another note, am I the only guy in the world who likes lap dogs? I can’t get enough of terriers and shi tzus. As long as they don’t look like the regal dogs.[/quote]

John Muir also liked them. :slight_smile:

He traversed SE Alaska with a shih tzu named Stikeen in 1879.

I was never a little dog person until I actually owned these two. In the past I have had huskies, a samoyed, and a chow-chow. I was really in the market for another chow but ended up with the shih tzu, and he has become my favorite dog ever.

[quote]SouthernGirl wrote:
Magnus157 wrote:
Here’s a pic of me and my 3 catchin’ a little TV time.

I think I’m in love![/quote]

Yeah, I get that all the time from women, when I take them out for walks, and of course realize quickly their referring to the dogs.
The little red nose pittie lapdog (Emma) is only 70 lbs as is the little buckskin one (Abbie) beside me. The big boy on the end (Luther) is 125Lb rottie/shepp/dane cross.
I’ll see if I can dig up a couple more pics.

Here’s a pic I posted a couple years back on T-mag.

Heres my dog, Mulligan…
He’s a Glen Of Imaal (terrier family)