Mike, its great to talk to you, and all of the experienced and not so experienced.
In my 48 years on this earth I have learned that there is something to learn from everyone, regardless of their status or lack of it!
I probably spend more time than I should on the computer, according to my wife anyway. I have run hundreds of searches and have files full of information on exercise’s and nutrition.
But,its just hard to replace that one on one you get when you get to “speak” directly to a real guy who has tried something and is telling you that its great, or not so great. Maybe its the unique personality that he brings with his advice.
That, to me, is the single biggest advantage of a site like this one. If it was only about research then I suppose a library, or bookstore would be about as good.
With me, at least, its the people contact that I enjoy. I am going to be asking lots of questions in here over the next several months and I hope that you can put up with me. If some of them have already been gone over in here I apologize in advance.
Just because someone is asking a question about a topic, it does not necessarily mean he does not know the answer, or at least have an opinion on the subject. There are many reasons to ask a question. In my case I want to hear as many views as I can on the subject.
Experience tells me that my “reality” regarding the subject matter might just be a false “perception”. If I am out of step with my prior evaluation then it might be time to rethink my stance on the topic.
Just to satisfy my curiosity, ZEB, are you currently taking Surge? And if not, why didn’t you include it in your list of possible supps?
As for the posting points, as MM said, it’s hard to argue with your views. However, I would advise at least stating your opinion in any subsequent posts if you have, in fact, already run a search and/or done your own research somewhere else. That will help to distinguish what you write from the countless newbies who haven’t done their homework, and thus either get flamed or ignored. Plus, it’ll give the rest of us a starting point when we answer, which is always better than sitting here thinking, “Gee, I wonder if he’s aware of…”
I am not all that familiar with Surge. But, I do remember thinking at the time that there was a huge amount of sugar in that supplement. 45 grams per serving?
I had a small triglyceride problem and did not want to go down that road again. As you know eating sugar laden foods can raise that one particular blood fat. I even stay away from certain fruits because of this. I never eat candy of any sort.
If I were in my twenty’s I would try Surge. From the positive response that I have been reading, it sounds like a great supplement.
As far as me not commenting on a question that I ask: I am after other peoples opinions and I do not want to color their thinking with my own slant on the subject prior to asking.
In the future, if you think I can get a better response if I add certain information, such as background etc.,then that is what I will do.
Yes, I do think that you would get a better response in the future if you include whatever info you’ve already dug up. No question about that. And don’t worry about “coloring” anyone’s thinking. We’re all pretty opinionated here.
As for your trigliceride problem, I don’t really feel qualified to say anything. I think that you should drop a PM to John M. Berardi, the formulator of Surge, and ask him about it. (Or just send an email to his website.) Tell him the specifics of your problem and see what he thinks about using Surge. 'Cause if you can use it, you should.