The Stupid Thread 2 (Part 2)

I wonder how many people she has referred to detox & rehab as part of that harm reduction counseling?

Well, if you go on their website, they have a ā€œGet High With A Homieā€ section and seem to believe that established recovery methods have got it all wrong.

They are probably addicts themselves. Our current needle ā€œexchangeā€ (they donā€™t get exchanged, they end up all over town) operating in Lewiston is the ā€œChurch of Safe Injectionā€, who also works to abolish the concept of prisons in Maine.

Their founder died from an overdose and so did the person who ran it after that. Every business adjacent to their operation has closed.

Ah! Of course! By recommending reduction or abstinence theyā€™re just running away from the problem.

Analogous to socialist failures, the last guy that tried just wasnā€™t trying hard enough, But This Timeā€¦
