[quote]pushharder wrote:
Part of me wants it to happen. The repercussions could be so overwhelming that it might be worth it. With the Congress back in the firm control of the GOP as of next year, Hopie, Changie & Co. would be put out of business.[/quote]
The risk is that once deemed to have “passed” the House, after Obama signs it the bill cannot be repealed without 60 votes in the Senate in favor of repeal, in addition of course to 50%-plus-one in the House, and the President.
It is very, very far from a sure thing that the Democrats will soon if ever drop to no more than 40 seats in the Senate.[/quote]
And that’s the danger…I think the mere suggestion of it has people so fucking out raged that it may have that effect in Nov. Let’s hope folks don’t forget this shit. We tend to have a very short memory in this country…It’s what got the assholes elected in the first place.
Once you assume what I’ve been saying for going on 2 years in here now, which is that nothing these people are trying to do is about what they say it is, but is actually all about power and control, everything makes sense.
This isn’t about people’s health. Cap n Trade isn’t about the environment. The takeover of student loans isn’t about education, fill in the blank with whatever.
All these things are about punishing the evil greedy unjust United States and bringing her into line through limiting personal freedoms and liberties and replacing them with central elitist oversight.
Try it for yourself. Think of the last year, what is being done and how in those terms and everything falls into place. This is why Bill O’Reilly for instance is a political moron. Night after night there he is puzzling over how these tyrants could be doing what they are. Last night he actually said that Obama wouldn’t sign this into law if congress used the Slaughter solution to pry it by the public. Har dee har har.
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
This is why Bill O’Reilly for instance is a political moron. Night after night there he is puzzling over how these tyrants could be doing what they are. Last night he actually said that Obama wouldn’t sign this into law if congress used the Slaughter solution to pry it by the public. Har dee har har.
Yeah, I was shocked he is that naieve. Obama wants this monstrosity more than anyone, and has shown ZERO regard for the Constitution or the idea of consent of the governed. Bill really thinks he is going to start now?
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
This is why Bill O’Reilly for instance is a political moron. Night after night there he is puzzling over how these tyrants could be doing what they are. Last night he actually said that Obama wouldn’t sign this into law if congress used the Slaughter solution to pry it by the public. Har dee har har.
Yeah, I was shocked he is that naieve. Obama wants this monstrosity more than anyone, and has shown ZERO regard for the Constitution or the idea of consent of the governed. Bill really thinks he is going to start now?[/quote]
His show is worth watching for the guests and he hits a homer on occasion, but this last year has displayed, to me at least, his ineptitude and hence irrelevance as a political analyst. He has no instinct at all for American politics even after all these years.
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
This is why Bill O’Reilly for instance is a political moron. Night after night there he is puzzling over how these tyrants could be doing what they are. Last night he actually said that Obama wouldn’t sign this into law if congress used the Slaughter solution to pry it by the public. Har dee har har.
Yeah, I was shocked he is that naieve. Obama wants this monstrosity more than anyone, and has shown ZERO regard for the Constitution or the idea of consent of the governed. Bill really thinks he is going to start now?[/quote]
His show is worth watching for the guests and he hits a homer on occasion, but this last year has displayed, to me at least, his ineptitude and hence irrelevance as a political analyst. He has no instinct at all for American politics even after all these years.[/quote]
He is right about one thing tho, if he does pass it he is done. It will be sent to the supreme court and be declared unconstitutional. Obama pissing off the supreme court will come back to bite him in the ass.
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
This is why Bill O’Reilly for instance is a political moron. Night after night there he is puzzling over how these tyrants could be doing what they are. Last night he actually said that Obama wouldn’t sign this into law if congress used the Slaughter solution to pry it by the public. Har dee har har.
Yeah, I was shocked he is that naieve. Obama wants this monstrosity more than anyone, and has shown ZERO regard for the Constitution or the idea of consent of the governed. Bill really thinks he is going to start now?[/quote]
His show is worth watching for the guests and he hits a homer on occasion, but this last year has displayed, to me at least, his ineptitude and hence irrelevance as a political analyst. He has no instinct at all for American politics even after all these years.[/quote]
He is right about one thing tho, if he does pass it he is done. It will be sent to the supreme court and be declared unconstitutional. Obama pissing off the supreme court will come back to bite him in the ass.[/quote]
That would be comedic irony. To waste over a year on passing a bill declared unconstitutional by the same Supreme Court he criticized. Hollywood couldn’t write a script that priceless.
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
This is why Bill O’Reilly for instance is a political moron. Night after night there he is puzzling over how these tyrants could be doing what they are. Last night he actually said that Obama wouldn’t sign this into law if congress used the Slaughter solution to pry it by the public. Har dee har har.
Yeah, I was shocked he is that naieve. Obama wants this monstrosity more than anyone, and has shown ZERO regard for the Constitution or the idea of consent of the governed. Bill really thinks he is going to start now?[/quote]
His show is worth watching for the guests and he hits a homer on occasion, but this last year has displayed, to me at least, his ineptitude and hence irrelevance as a political analyst. He has no instinct at all for American politics even after all these years.[/quote]
Of course, this is just one opinion:
I see Bill O’Reilly as a demagogue with fascist tendencies, and his #1 priority is by far whether he thinks that the words he will have come out of his mouth or that he will write will advance his career.
For example, he recently had a talking points memo in which he lambasts the “greed” of the insurance companies as being one of the key health care problems – now, in fact the top 10 or so have a profit margin of only 2.2% – and says the solution is that the government needs to regulate insurance rates to look out for the folks.
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
<<< I see Bill O’Reilly as a demagogue with fascist tendencies, and his #1 priority is by far whether he thinks that the words he will have come out of his mouth or that he will write will advance his career.
For example, he recently had a talking points memo in which he lambasts the “greed” of the insurance companies as being one of the key health care problems – now, in fact the top 10 or so have a profit margin of only 2.2% – and says the solution is that the government needs to regulate insurance rates to look out for the folks.
In other words, a fascist, and a demagogue.[/quote]
No I agree. He sometimes declares the most factually indefensible goofiness with the pontificating certitude of God himself revealing the ten commandments to Moses on Sinai. He does it to guests too. He’ll make a boneheaded statement, an astute guest will give a perfectly sensible refutation and he interrupts, simply restates his original assertion and moves on as if that settled the issue.
He is also a lot more comfortable with generally much more government than I am. His jealously of Glenn Beck just oozes from pores as well. He does a decent interview… sometimes and does effectively take on liberal judges on occasion, but his powers of political analysis are very sub par in my view. Sometimes he will propound a line of thought on a specific news item that flies in the face of one of his own previously stated views without even realizing it…
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
This is why Bill O’Reilly for instance is a political moron. Night after night there he is puzzling over how these tyrants could be doing what they are. Last night he actually said that Obama wouldn’t sign this into law if congress used the Slaughter solution to pry it by the public. Har dee har har.
Yeah, I was shocked he is that naieve. Obama wants this monstrosity more than anyone, and has shown ZERO regard for the Constitution or the idea of consent of the governed. Bill really thinks he is going to start now?[/quote]
His show is worth watching for the guests and he hits a homer on occasion, but this last year has displayed, to me at least, his ineptitude and hence irrelevance as a political analyst. He has no instinct at all for American politics even after all these years.[/quote]
He is right about one thing tho, if he does pass it he is done. It will be sent to the supreme court and be declared unconstitutional. Obama pissing off the supreme court will come back to bite him in the ass.[/quote]
I’m not as confident about this as some people are either.
And last night O’Reilly tried to tell Morris that what he was saying the night before was that it wouldn’t pass using the deem scheme. Not that Obama wouldn’t sign it if the deem scheme was used to pass it through the house which is what he actually did say.
With the CBO report this morning they may get it passed with an up or down vote. Not that any single federal program ever in the entire history of this nation has ever failed to cost hundreds to thousands percent more than projected and swelled far beyond it’s original scope. Not to mention the fact that the CBO numbers are based on rank budgetary trickery to begin with.
As much as it puts a knot in my stomach to say, I think they’re going to get this passed. I said after Brown’s election that it was a mistake to think these communists would let their most coveted sweeping assault on America probably to date just fall by the wayside. I can recall few things I’d love more to be wrong about, but I think they are going be ultimately successful.
If they can get it into law long enough to kill off the insurance companies and bureaucratically strong arm every citizen under federal control it will never ever go away peacefully. Mark my words.
How is anyone buying the deception that they’re really going to save $500 billion on Medicare costs, which is how they figure this entire thing as supposedly saving money?
And why aren’t the senior citizens and other Medicare recipients screaming?
Of course they need not scream because what will happen is Medicare will of course be restored after this bill is passed. But for the ones who don’t know that or aren’t confident in it, why aren’t they up in arms over this alleged cut? And for those that know the cut is a fraud, why not screaming over the fraud?
Because the cuts do not affect Medicare advantage (allegedly) which is what many senior citizens have. But I hear what you are saying. I think this is why they would always show elderly people screaming at town hall meetings, if the govt controlled health care, they might not view spending tons of money to prolong life for a short period of time. Studies have shown (again allegedly) that much of what is spent in Medicare, is during the last 10 years of your life. Is it cost effective to spend so much money on extending life by a little bit? Inquiring minds want to know.
Also I believe they are pretending the doctors and other providers will provide the same services for $500 billion less money. But this is not realistic.
If they were to try cutting reimbursements by that much, the available supply of services at the reduced price would be very markedly less. Welcome to year-long waiting lists, and/or absolute inability to find providers who will accept Medicare.
However Congress has long played games with alleged Medicare cuts. I don’t recall the exact explanation for why they always have scheduled future cuts that never happen because of passing later bills, but there is an accounting reason why this helps them pretend the deficit is less than it is. Anyway there’s a long history of Congress pretending the balance sheet is better than it is by pretending that there are upcoming Medicare cuts that they have no intent of allowing to actually occur.
This is the same trick but multiplied by a large further factor.
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
<<< inability to find providers who will accept Medicare. >>>[/quote]
Oh now you know where we eventually get to from there. And then from there. And again from there. People had better think this through to it’s conclusion.