The Path of Totality 2024 Eclispe

I thought about going to check it out, twist my arm to trek out into the wilderness and all. Then I realized it’s in the middle of the work week and it dawned on me I’m a senior guy on the job and can’t just screw off to the woods mid week whenever I want any more. It’s both a cool and uncool situation to be in.

The only guy I know personally traveling up to see it is a PhD holding cancer researcher. He also surfs. I’m not sure he’s your target market but a little insider trading never hurt right?

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I don’t know TwoJar personally but he is one of my favorite internet people of all time. This is gold.


@ChickenLittle @mr.v3lv3t Thanks guys.

I’m sorry to report that I’m on an extended break from alcohol with no end to this madness in sight. Please accept my apologies if the quality of my posts are diminished.


It’s an excuse to go somewhere and do something. People need vacations and as vacations go it’s relatively harmless and interesting.

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Hey CL.
You and I are walking right out our doors (my wife says not together…) so I am hoping it is a doozy.

When i saw the state of emergency notice down there, i thought wth also.

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Hey Bro
You know there will be some dillweeds with their shades over their cutting googles saying “this is good enough” lol


I keep it at shade 9-10 to be on the safe side, but yeah, that absolutely will happen. :rofl:

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They are even closing the schools.

I especially like the part about back up communications. Uhmmmm… smoke signals? Tin cans with string? What exactly are we talking about here?

Just for the sake of it I dropped alcohol last week. I’m not a heavy drinker, usually one a day. Just want to prove to myself I’m not dependent on something. Now, dropping coffee would be a problem.

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Oh, we don’t even talk like that. No need to get all crazy! :joy:

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I had pancreatitis last year. They put me in the hospital, hooked me up to an IV, and just starved me for a few days. No food, no water, NO CAFFEINE. They were giving me morphine, but it didn’t touch the caffeine headache at all. That’s the grumpiest I’ve ever been in my life.


I have had this 3 times and it is horrible. After the first couple days, the caffeine headache was the most unbearable part. As soon as I could have coffee, I had some - instantly cured the headache.

Go for dilaudid if it happens again - stronger than morhpine and at least lets you sleep through the caffeine headache.

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Evidently central Texas is slated to have the clearest skies and best viewing potential, and Travis County (Austin) has now declared emergency status for the week.

Their explanation is that doing so potentiates various services and agencies to best manage abnormal traffic with contingencies for real emergency out of caution more so than a rush on resources and pandemonium. It’s going to be an annoying tourism week in the hill country a little earlier than normal.

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Yup! This is going to be a cluster fuck. You wait till the “eclispe crowd” runs over all the bluebonnets and the “wildflower crowd” starts losing thier minds. Should be fun :grimacing:

Now, they are saying brown/ black outs.

Still the stupidest shit I ever heard of! :rofl:

I hope they fight each other


Sure hope somebody gets it on video!

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We drove over to a Lake Tawakoni campground where 8 California relatives had come in to watch. Virtually dead on for maximum view.

Cloudy the first quarter and then the clouds just opened up for 2 straight hours and it was quite a sight. Crowds never materialized after the negative weather reports for several days though.


I for one am glad it’s over. We have had it shoved down our throats for months. The local businesses suffered the most. There were NO crowds of people. Town was dead, even more than usual. Oh, some drove into town today but that was it!

Apparently 30,000- 40,000 showed up in the next county over for the all weekend Texas Eclipse Festival, (read generic Burning Man Festival). Some of the pics were priceless. The music played 24hrs a day for three days, and people said you could hear the bass beats 13 miles away. It was all fun and games until they canceled it this morning due to the severe weather forecast. Now there is 30,000 deaf, angry, chemically impaired people driving home without actually seeing the event. Yikes!

As far as the actual eclipse… it was absolutely dope! It was mostly cloudy but with enough breaks, we still got to see it. Definitely amazing.