Anyone have all 8 issues of the old print Testosterone magazine? I’m only missing the first one. They’re kind of like a collectors item now.
Oh, dang. I don’t recall having every issue, but I definitely wish I knew what happened to mine.
“In a box somewhere…”
Check these out from our offices. What can I get for them on eBay? I’m sure Tim won’t notice…
Now that’s an office. I’d like to have one of those posters up in my gym. Maybe add some testosterone posters along with the apparel??
What does the cover of issue 1 look like? I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it.
I love that still works.
Those are pretty cool. If they were sold as posters I’d definitely buy one.
I’ve been around here so long I forgot I had one of those up on my wall during college. Now I feel old.
T-nation should bring back the old poster or come up with a new one. Every home gym should have one
I think our apparel makers actually do posters as well. I’d rather see vinyl or fabric posters than paper though. Would be pricier but would last forever. Like this:
Even better. Paper poster never seem to hold up long term in a garage gym. I’d pay an upcharge for an indestructible poster.
pretty sure i got that poster when I got the subscription to the print mag. I think you guys still owe me 3 issues…