[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
I was just mulling over the idea of adjusting the office of the President to be more like SCOTUS. Have three or five executives as opposed to the one. Thoughts?
I’m not sure anything will change, short of a serious upheaval of government, until a legitimate 3rd party emerges and the Congressional HC is completely replaced with term limits established.
We need to end the ability to be a career politician.
I also think states need to push back with significant force.
I would LOVE to end career politicians, but none of them will EVER vote for that! I would love it if the States stood up for their rights, but with the Federal Gov’t offering subsidies (paid for by OUR federal taxes), the States won’t cross them.
A third party would be great, but the Left controls the MEDIA and the GOP won’t go without a fight… I think the “third party” would look a lot like us: social libertarian, small government, fiscal conservative…
But as long as special interests and lobbyists control our elected official, NOTHING is going to change… [/quote]
If enough people get behind the idea of term limits for Congress and, more importantly, we consistently vote out officials that vote against such a measure, it can be done.
I agree about the states. I would like to see states become more fiscally conservative and independent of federal subsidies.
I think a 3rd party can still emerge. When the Republican party was created, from what I understand, it was born from disfranchised WHIG members in both politics and the populace. We certainly have that now with both current parties. I also think the internet is how this new party or parties could get their message out. Youtube is a powerful tool for free speech.
Again, I agree in regards to lobbyists and special interests. [/quote]
Have you heard of any legitimate party that is starting up? I mean the Tea Party got some traction quickly, but then out grew it’s infrastructure and message - it’s become so convoluted that most people don’t know what it stands for (I would be hard pressed to “define it”).
I agree that internet would make it easier, but the government CONTROLS the internet… So it’s a medium that can be taken away.
I think that there is MUCH discontent out there. But how (who, really) can it be focused to the necessary laser-like precision necessary to carve out a new “territory” within the status quo?
I feel that anyone who starts such a movement will be targeted, publicly shamed/discredited and/or arrested. I think it’s that far gone. I am not very hopeful at all that I will see change within my lifetime.
I think that the most likely chance of change will come from war or economic collapse, not a political revolution or a democratic transition.