This is the story of tonight’s walk. While some detail their kick-ass training sessions, I share with you my not so brisk trek around a suburban development. Here on the T-forums, I strive for diversity. BTW, this is not intended to be an attempt at a Cupcake style classic. The Cake (can I call you that?) is in a class of his own. You are the master, sir. Moving on.
I was about fifty feet away from my front door when I spotted three girls approaching from the opposite direction. Sweet. These chicks have my attention because they’re a far cry from the geriatric crowd I typically encounter during these quick trips around the neighborhood. Now, to my untrained eye, it seemed possible that these girls were all underage, though their breasts were mature enough. Nevertheless, it was close enough to establish reasonable doubt and I know a quality lawyer. That’s off the record, of course. We get closer. Closer. It’s showtime. Do I say something? No, one of them does. Okay, this is looking promising. She says, “howdy, neighbor.” The other two smile. Wait, howdy? What the fuck? And when did we become neighbors? I’ve never seen you before.
Suspicions aside, it became a situation where my brain tried to send my mouth a signal to say hello to the girls, but my mouth had other ideas. I slowed down, made eye contact, and proceeded to mutter something to them. What it was I don’t know. The world’s preeminent lip reader wouldn’t have a chance with this incoherent gem. Realizing the boner of a first impression I just made, I turned away and quickly headed home. I think they laughed or something.
So what was it about these three girls that flustered me? I can understand why, in the same situation, I might fear three strange guys.
3 male strangers = 3 potential ass whippings = 3 stitches per ass whipping
But girls?
3 girls = orgy = Maureen style sex tale
Sure, that’s unlikely, but 3 girls = 3 potential dates. Well, assuming legality. I remind you, off the record.
If only my nervous system functioned properly. Bastard. Ah, this just confirms my status as a loser.