The Log

These past couple of days i’ve been hit by a wave of motivation to go through another burst of putting on some mass.

I already did this about 6 months ago and managed to put on 9kg in about 11 weeks, then life got in the way a little, motivation dipped, i stagnated, and no progress was made.

I’m at Uni now thought, with an incredible gym to be working out in, and some high determination to back it up. I’ll post weight progressions (both for lifts and for bodyweight) here as well as my program, and hopefully the fact that i’m posting for everyone to see will keep the motivation running and the numbers climbing.

Let’s begin:

at the moment: three day split - Pecs and Back, Legs (one cycle quad dom, next hip dom - deadlift/squat) and Abs, Shoulders and Arms, Rest and repeat.

Lifts at the moment:

Pecs and Back:

Bench Press: 90kg x 5
Pull Up: no clue, been playing around with different grip positions, going to stick with wide grip.
Bent Over Row: 90kg x 5



Squat: 140 kg x 5
Romanian deadlift: 100 kg x 10 (mainly working the movement for form here, probably start increasing the weight later this week)


Deadlift: 150 kg x 5 (still figuring out how heavy i can go, probably going to increase this on monday)
Bulgarian split squat: meh? ramp and see.

Shoulders and Arms:

Standing Military Press: 65 kg x 5
Barbell curl: 40kg x 5

Tricep Lockouts: 120 kg x 5
Skull Crushers: 45 kg x 5

Bodyweight: 83.6 kg this morning

Diet: Lots of food all the time, my rest day is a no carb control day, leg days are high carbs (weetabix all day long) and other days moderate
not sure about my protein intake mainly cos i don’t measure my foods, but i get about 130g from shakes on workout days, 60g on rest days, and lots of meats and veg the whole day long, mainly chicken breasts.

no junk.

I start tomorrow

right, 11/10/09 , Morning weight: 83.8

Bench Press: ramped up to 90kg x 4 with a spotted 5th rep
Pull up (wide grip): 5kg x 5 damn the wide grips are hard
Bent Over Row: 90 kg x 5

started to do a set of cable fly’s, but decided not to, was feeling pretty drained at that point.

Got a buzz after about 10 minutes after the workout, which i take as a definite sign it was a good workout.

Periworkout nutrition: 3 Scoops of Mass Monster pre, 20g of Whey Isolate during, 3 scoops of mas monster post, 45 minutes after the last shake had a meal, 500g of chicken (wanted more but none left in the fridge) and 3 diced peppers all cooked in the pan with crushed chili’s. good stuff.

tomorrow is deadlifting.

tiring session today. 12/10/09

came into the gym quite motivated, went through my warm up of snatches and overhead squats.

Warmed up on the deadlift, ramped up to: 160 kg. pulled 3 reps, motivated for five, rested a couple minutes, went back to it made it. so the workout was:

Deadlift: 160 kg x 5
Bulgarian split squat 80 kg x 5

straight leg hanging leg raises 3 x 10

home and shower.

Felt pretty drained after the work out, but deadlifts will do that to you.

same shakes as the previous workout.

nutrition for the day, shit loads of bowls of oats, and three big meals. going to sit down for some chicken breasts now.

tomorrow shoulders and arms


SLOW day today. not much energy to work with since i was feeling pretty drained from deadlifting the day before (my grip was pretty much non existent)

warmed up, moved on the the mil press

Military Press: ramped up to 65 x 5, and felt i had some more in the tank so moved up to 70 kg, got 4 before failing

Biceps Curl: 50 kg x 5

Tricep Lock out : 120 kg x 5

Cable lateral raise 3 x 10 for form and constant tension.

again, slow session today. i have some Spike coming on monday next, so that should fix any energy/zone problems on a day like this.

Havent seen the number on the scale move very much other than down these past couple of days.

waking weight: 83.2

so i’ve added an extra scoop of monster mass pre and post workout, and still sipping on my whey isolate through out. as soon as i’ve finished these two tubs of isolate i’m going to see if i can find my self some hydrolysate, play around with that.

thats it for now

went away for a couple of days so couldn’t workout, then forgot to log in my details from monday on, so here’s two sessions in one post

Monday 19/10/09

Bench Press: worked up to 95 kg x 5

Pull ups: worked up to 7.5 kg x 3

Bent over row: worked up to 90 kg x 5

Tuesday 20/10/09

Squat: worked up to 140 kg x 2 - thats 3 reps weaker than usual for 140, not too great, will improve that next week and try and nail 140

RDL: 3x12 on 90kg - going to move that up to 100kg next week, again though, just working form on this one

single leg calf raises 3x12 with 25 kg going into a very deep negative

barbell roll out: 3x10 with 25 kg

shame with the squats but giong to try and improve that next time. tomorrow is shoulders and arms.

Two days ago’s shoulder day:

Militairy Press: worked up to 70kg x 3, not quite as good as before, must’ve been tired

Barbell curl: worked up to 50x5

Skull Crushers: 50x5

Chucked in a couple of sets of reverse grip barbell curls

finsihed off with

Lateral raises: 3x12 with some real slow negatives, just burning out the lateral head.

headed in today for a bench and row session, post back up in a while

beast of a session today, pure zonage.

pull ups, worked up to: 5kg x 5

Bench press: worked up to 5x95kg. wanted to push my look and loaded up 100kg, repped out twice with a good ego boost.

Bent over rows (hook grip): 5x90kg

cable fly’s 3x12 for form and tension

face pulls 3x12 for form and tension.

end note: spike is a godsend

haven’t updated in a while and forgotten the exact tonnage for the previous sessions. had a big weekend away from weights and with a ton of food, weighed myself this morning and a solid 87.5kg.

todays session: chest and back:

Bench Press: worked up to 100kg x 4, still can’t get that 5th rep even though this is my 3rd session working 100kg, hopefully it’ll happen with the next cycle.

wide grip pull up: 12.5kgx4 with a sloppy form on the 5th rep

Bent over rows, over hand grip: 92.5kg x 5. switched back to over hand grip as i felt that the hook grip was putting too much emphasis on my lats and not enough on the traps/rhomboids.

the cable machine is broken so i couldn’t do my super setting of cable fly’s and face pulls. hopefully they’ll fix it up soon, i did a couple extra sets on the bent over rows to make up for that lack of work.

got some casein hydrolysate coming in the mail soon so i’ll start sipping on that during workouts instead of whey isolate, hope to see a difference with the 1kg bag i’ve ordered.

still spiking -60 mins from WO
-20 monster massing
peri: sipping on 20g whey isolate
20 monster massing
90 big meal

steadily putting on weight so i’m clearly doing something right

had a good leg workout yesterday.

started with some squats:

squat: worked up to 150kg x 2 after nailing 140x5

RDL: working for form on 100kgx12x3

standing calf raises with 25kgx12x3 with a deep negative, the calves are coming up nicely in size, never had great size there so its good to see some shape appearing.

landmines: 20kg(on the bar)x10x3

then today had shoulders and arms:

Shoulder PRess: worked up to 80kg x 2 after nailing 75kg x 5

barbell curl: 55kgx4

dips: 35kg x 4

got some casein hydrolysate in the post today; PeptoPro, tried it out for the first time, got a decent pump, but during the dips had to stop on the verge of throwing up, don’t know if it was from pushing hard or the new protein, will have to try it a couple more time.

Bench session went well:

bench: 105kg x 2, finally nailed 100x5 cleanly

pull ups: 15kg x 3

bent over row 100kgx3

still no cable machine so not back to doing accessory exercises yet…

Deadlift session:

Deadlift: 180kgx2

Bulgarian split squat 60x12x3

ab roll outs 12x3

standing leg raises from deficit: 25kgx12x3

shoulder session:

shoulder press: 80kgx3

barbell curl: 55kgx5 nearly going to be doing the two twenties, that’ll feel good

dips: 40kgx1

Bench session:

Bench Press: 105x3 managed a couple triplets which was good, twinged something in my lower back on my last set, legs slipped out from underneath me, wasn’t smart at all.

Pull ups: 15kgx3 and then negatives working 10 seconds then 8 then 6 and so on till 2

Bent over rows: 95kgx5 lost some strength here, probably too tired from the negative pull ups, won’t be doing more than one very slow rep next time.

shoulder session:

shoulder press: 85kgx1

bicep curl: 60kgx3

dips: 40kgx4

Bench Session:

getting frustrated here, this is the third session in a row where i can get past 3 reps on 105… i can do multiple sets of 3’s but not one big set of more than that.

Bench: 105kgx3
Pull up: 15kgx4
Bent Over row:90kgx5 (burnt my finger so grip was an issue here, didn’t want to rip anything so stopped there.)

Facepulls: 12x3

Squat session:

steadily going up in this department, all good news:

Squat: 160kgx3

RDL: 100kgx12x3

Pallof Press: 5x3 per side

calf raises: 12 per leg, 12 both legs, 12 jumping x 3

Shoulder session:

Shoulder Press: 85kgx2

Biceps Curl: 20kgx3 (sloppy, going to stay on this weight untill i can clean it up properly)

Dips: 40kgx5 finally cleaned this up, moving on to 45 next week.

Rotator cuff (cable machine) : 2x15

Bench Day

FINALLY, broke past 105kg, took a while! made my first attempt but after the second rep didn’t feel it, so backed off and rested a couple, then attempted again and nailed it! so:

Bench: 105kgx5 then 110kgx2

Pullup: 15kgx4 then 10,8,6,4, and 2 second negatives on the same weight

Bent over row: 100kgx3

Good session, i’m finding that i seem to get the best workouts about an hour or so after lunch. so i’ll have lunch, then 45 mins before my workout i’ll have 37.5g (that’s the size of the scooper) of WMS 37.5g whey isolate, then same thing again 10 mins before. been having awesome sessions with that set up and my weight is going up nicely: 89kg this morning

Deadlift day:

deadlift: 180kgx4 and then another set x2
Bulgarian split squat: 80kgx12x3
Calf raises on the leg press: 3x12 per leg 12 both legs, 24 skips
Decline situps: 37.5kgx5x5

good session