These past couple of days i’ve been hit by a wave of motivation to go through another burst of putting on some mass.
I already did this about 6 months ago and managed to put on 9kg in about 11 weeks, then life got in the way a little, motivation dipped, i stagnated, and no progress was made.
I’m at Uni now thought, with an incredible gym to be working out in, and some high determination to back it up. I’ll post weight progressions (both for lifts and for bodyweight) here as well as my program, and hopefully the fact that i’m posting for everyone to see will keep the motivation running and the numbers climbing.
Let’s begin:
at the moment: three day split - Pecs and Back, Legs (one cycle quad dom, next hip dom - deadlift/squat) and Abs, Shoulders and Arms, Rest and repeat.
Lifts at the moment:
Pecs and Back:
Bench Press: 90kg x 5
Pull Up: no clue, been playing around with different grip positions, going to stick with wide grip.
Bent Over Row: 90kg x 5
Squat: 140 kg x 5
Romanian deadlift: 100 kg x 10 (mainly working the movement for form here, probably start increasing the weight later this week)
Deadlift: 150 kg x 5 (still figuring out how heavy i can go, probably going to increase this on monday)
Bulgarian split squat: meh? ramp and see.
Shoulders and Arms:
Standing Military Press: 65 kg x 5
Barbell curl: 40kg x 5
Tricep Lockouts: 120 kg x 5
Skull Crushers: 45 kg x 5
Bodyweight: 83.6 kg this morning
Diet: Lots of food all the time, my rest day is a no carb control day, leg days are high carbs (weetabix all day long) and other days moderate
not sure about my protein intake mainly cos i don’t measure my foods, but i get about 130g from shakes on workout days, 60g on rest days, and lots of meats and veg the whole day long, mainly chicken breasts.
no junk.
I start tomorrow