The Lifting Between Mountains - Raising the Valley


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Great sport climbing trip this weekend. No notable sends, just hung the rope on a bunch of moderates for my friends, enjoyed the fall colors, and felt grateful for my life!

This morning was the first workout of RP Hypertrophy Thor, 5 week. It’s getting colder so gym climbing is back on the menu, as well as riding my indoor bike. :expressionless:

Week 1, Day 1 Monday

  1. BB Flexion Row - 2 x 155lb x 8
  2. Pulldowns (Underhand) - 205lb x 13, 8
  3. DB Lateral Raise - 15lb x 17, 17, 17 (myorep match)
  4. DB Curl - 3 x 30lb x 7
  5. BB Overhead Tricep Ext. - 45lb x 13,14

I’m so glad I added a cable machine to my basement. Felt a bit worn out from the weekend, particularly in the back, but I don’t think it had too big of an effect. Deload week over so back to the normal diet and morning exercise.

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Week 1, Day 2 Tuesday

Woke up NOT wanting to squat for reps so I told myself I’d go for a 2 rep max and then call it on squats, but I passed my working weight on the way up and thought…“what the hell, I’ll do my workout.” And then did the workout.

  1. High Bar Squat - 245 x 8, 7
  2. Good Morning - 145 x 10
  3. Incline DB Press - 40 x 14,11
  4. Slant board Sit Up - 20 x 13, 9

Swapping out the good mornings for leg curls on this day in the future. Squats and then good mornings is tough on the lower back and it fails before the hamstrings do. Climbing later.

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Week 1, Day 3 Wednesday

  1. Cable Lateral Raise - 22.5 x 10,9,8
  2. Cable Front Raise - 22.5 x 12,16,17
  3. Seated Cable Row - 205 x 15,12
  4. Barbell Curl - 65 x 8,7,7
  5. Cable Tri Pushdown (Bar) - 95 x 17,12

Great climbing session last night, but it sparked a bit of bicep tenderness that I felt on the curls. I need to remember to stop initiating with my biceps and start initiating more with my legs.
New bodyweight low for this round of weight loss: 160 on the dot. I’m dropping to about 157 for this round and then going to maintenance for a bit, which I would imagine will leave me at 160 with the additional water weight. Feels light. After maintenance, I’m gonna aim for 150 or wherever I can see abs, whichever comes first.

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A fun detail I’ve left out of the log – my home gym has now become the community gym for all my friends! I now start my mornings with a social scene in my basement most days of the weeks, which my gf and I are loving, as hyper social people who WFH.

Several have now been lifting and seeing progress for six months now and can see and feel big changes in their body. Some just come to hang out and don’t touch a weight at all, but that’s no problem for me. Easier for me to superset, the fewer the people actually lifting, lol.


You just described a recurring nightmare, haha!

Glad it’s working out for you—keep up the good work, in any case!


Week 1, Day 4 Thursday

  1. Bench Press - 160 x 9,5
  2. Hanging Leg Raise - 5,6
  3. Leg Extension - 90 x 17,17
  4. Stiff Leg Deadlift - 225 x 10

159lbs this morning, finally broke through the 160 mark. My basement has a new vague sewer smell… have a plumber coming by today. This was just punchin’ the clock, not a super exciting workout.

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Ha! It’s not for everyone, but it is definitely for me. I love it. I hope it never ends.

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Week 1, Day 5 Friday

  1. Weighted Pullup - +10 x 11,9
  2. Pulldown (Parallel Grip) - 180 x 13,11
  3. Cable Curl - 95 x 10,8,9
  4. DB Curl (Incline) - 15 x 14,14,12
  5. Weighted Dip - +10 x 16,12
  6. DB Skullcrusher - 25 x 10,8
  7. DB Shrug - 70 x 14,12,15

Climbing last night was a poor showing, but I added a little hangboard to the end to get something out of it. Felt tired in my hands and back for this back focused workout, but I don’t think it went too poorly, considering. Took forever. Climbing tonight, keeping it easy. Was hoping to climb tomorrow, but couldn’t find a sport partner, so I may just jog to the tower instead. Climbing Sunday, I think, but I can’t remember with who…

BW: 159.0 lbs
RP Hypertrophy App suggested I cut calories further next week :confused: Only two more weeks tho and back to maintenance.



Incredible night out climbing with two friends last night!

Not a lifting day, but a friend came over for her workout so I did a one off OHP attempt and finally hit a 1-plate rep.
RPE 7.5 ish, didn’t feel too bad. One of the first posts of this log was a goal to hit a one plate OHP, so I’m so glad I’ve done it.



Climbed this weekend, super fun, but came into Monday quite rundown. Back day and my back was NOT recovered, so I pushed an extra recovery day in there and did Monday’s workout this morning.

Week 2, Day 1 Monday (done Tuesday)

  1. BB Flexion Row - 160 x 8,8 | 140 x 8
  2. Pulldown (Underhand) - 180 x 19,14
  3. Lateral Raise - 15 x 18 | Myorep match 3 x 15 x 18
  4. Curl - 30 x 8,8,8,6
  5. BB Overhead Tricep Ext - 50 x 11,10,10,10

Can go way heavier on those BB Overheads.
Steadily increasing weight and reps without stalling so I am definitely seeing progression, even if I don’t feel as balls to the wall on this program. Maybe something to learn.
Overall, pretty tired and calories go even lower this week. 10 more days though. I definitely look different, but I think, realistically, 157 is not low enough for the look I want. I still am gonna take a break, probably through Thanksgiving, and then get back lower again.
Climbing tonight and both days this weekend! I love fall.



Week 2, Day 2 Tuesday (done Wednesday)

  1. High Bar Squat - 250 x 8,7
  2. Good Morning - 155 x 8,8
  3. DB Incline Press - 40 x 15,13,12,13
  4. Slant Board Sit Up - +25 x 13,10,11


Week 2, Day 3 Wednesday (done Thursday)

  1. Cable Lateral Raise - 22.5 x 11,10,9 | 20 x 6
  2. DB Front Raise (incline bench) - 15 x 10,9,7,7
  3. Seated Cable Row - 210 x 15
  4. BB Curl - 60 x 12,11,9
  5. Cable Tricep Pushdown (Bar) - 97.5 x 17,13,11,9

Tired, hungry, mild bicep tendonitis. Nice weather.

New bodyweight low of 158.1lbs



Finished week two of RP Thor, but with the amount of climbing I have now added back in, the back and bicep focus of the program is causing elbow pain.

I’m taking a deload week and just trad climbing moderates. Next week, I’m starting a 3x a week program designed to work around athletics and ramping climbing up to 3-4x per week, following a training plan.

We’ll see how it all balances out.

Also, randomly running a 10k in a month, so I’ll probably jog a little too, starting in Nov.



The Absolute Athlete

Bench - 170 x 1, 4 sets 150 x 3
I’m swapping out benching for OHP… way too much for my elbows rn
Dip - 20 x 10
Didn’t finish remaining 2 sets because of elbows
Chin Up - BW x 10, 20 x 10,7
Inchworm - 5,5
Push Up - 20

Honestly, a bad workout, but it’s sort of done

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