I started powerlifting towards the end of my undergrad at that college, but now I’m getting my grad degree at a different school where there aren’t any true powerlifting gyms around. I think it would be a good idea to post something here to keep me accountable and maybe get some input about my programming. I’m in the middle of a 5/3/1 cycle at the moment so I’m going to post everything I’ve done in 5/3/1 since December and the upcoming program I’ve made so far.
bench 235
150 175 200 5x5 9
165 190 210 3x3 4.5
175 200 225 3.5
95 120 140
incline 4x8
unilat. Db press 3x10
bb bentover row 4x8
front squat 210
140 160 180
150 170 190 9
160 180 200 6
84 105 125
oly back squat 205lb 20 rep
walking lunge (ss) 3x10/leg
hanging leg raise 3xbw max
military press 150
100 110 130
105 120 135 5
110 135 145 3.5
60 75 90
cgbp 4x8 4x8
chin up 7->4
bent laterals 4x12
pl back squat 300
195 225 255
210 240 270
225 255 285 6
120 150 180
rdl 4x8
bb lunge (long stride) 3x5/side
bb bent over row 3x10
bb ab rollouts 3xmax
155 180 205 5
170 190 215 6
180 205 230 3
95 120 145
incline bb press 4x8
bb row 4x8
curls 4x10
lying extension 4x10
160 185 210 7
170 195 220 6
185 210 230 5
100 120 150
smith machine split squat 3x8
leg press 4x10
hanging leg raise
100 115 130 5
110 125 140 5
115 130 150 5
65 80 90
dips 4x8
chins 7->4/60sec
face pull 4x15
200 230 265 10
215 250 280 10
230 260 295 7
125 155 185
c.dl. To s.dl. 2,2
db walking lunge 5/side
roll outs
uni. Db bp 3x15
This is the one I’ve most recently designed and have yet to begin.
160 185 210
170 195 220
185 210 230
100 125 150
cable flat press 3x6
pronating bent fly 3x8
inverted skull crusher 3x6
press down 3x8
165 190 215
180 205 230
190 215 240
100 130 150
sumo deadlift (singles) 405 (3-6)
smith machine split squat 3x8
abs (mod. Swiss ball, roll outs)
104 120 135
110 125 145
120 135 150
65 80 95
standing triceps extensions 3x8
delt flies 4x8-10
standing pulley uni extensions 3x10
face pull 5x10
box squat 3x5
gm 3x8
bb rows 3x8