My personal experience:
Former patrol officer in a major American city with a force of over 4 thousand.
5 years assigned to patrol in the “housing projects”
5 years as tactical SWAT Commander
6 years as federal narcotics investigator
I responded to hundreds of calls in the city and surrounding areas (mutual aid) as SWAT commander, made numerous arrests, been sued 3 times for deadly force(always happens after a shooting) and been in seven deadly force applications.
Law Enforcement is a reactive force. Other than Narcotics and fugitive squads, the average officer responds to calls, AFTER, the crime has occurred or is in progress. In a large city this can take around 3 to 5 minutes, in rural areas as much as 20 minutes. That is a huge window of time to kill, so, the only protection you have…is YOU…You are responsible for life and the defense of the ones you love. period. The armed citizen, with the will to survive and protect, is the greatest deterrent to violent crime. In my career , I have NEVER arrested a legal, law abiding citizen for a gun crime. I have arrived on home invasions, where citizens defended their families with a firearm and stopped predators from murder or rape. I have responded to calls, where rapists were either shot or shot at by women with concealed carry, and, why not? its your responsibility to defend your life.
How can any rational,thinking person, give up their right to defense of life? Would you stand by and watch your family being butchered because you advocate “gun control” ? You are going to watch the slaughter of innocents because you swallow all the crap from the left wing media? Has anyone who advocates “gun control” actually read their states laws? They are already so restrictive its almost impossible to enforce. I especially like the idiotic “magazine restriction of rounds rule”, like having a magazine with 10 or less rounds makes everything safer. With little training, anyone with just a hint of fine motor control can change magazines in less than 3 seconds.
But, I digress. to answer your question, 99% of all the LEO’S i have worked with and continue to work with, support the 2nd amendment. They know the truth. They have seen the results of predators preying on victims. They know,you will rarely ever arrive in time to save lives in any active shooter situation. People who scream about citizens being armed all have one thing in common, they have never personally experienced violence .I know. I have been on many crime scenes where “average citizens” have been brutalized and if they survive, their first question is "why me’ , like violence will always happen to “someone else”. Once you have been the victim or survived a violent encounter, its remarkable how their attitude changes.
Practical experience trumps theory every time.
Please take a moment to read the following:
I just hope, if I make it to 75 years of age, I will answer the call to protect the innocent. I just wish he was carrying a gun and killed the worthless motherfucker.