[quote]pushharder wrote:
By the way, Boltito, you did not claim your interactions with the city park police were specific to constitutional carry. Rather, you claimed a broader spectrum:
[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
I think that will vary a great deal, especially depending on location, but anecdotally the ones I’ve interacted with (both urban and rural) come out in the “mixed” camp, and certainly are not absolutist either way…
This was your initial post and constitutional carry had not yet been mentioned. Your original post was in direct response to Muf’s original post:
[quote]Mufasa wrote:
I’m curious, because I really don’t know (so I hope someone in, or with Law Enforcement experience; or who knows someone who is, will post…)
What does the average, “in-the-trenches/out-in-the-street” Law man or woman think should be the “balance” between them and public when it comes to firepower?
Do most advocate any form of Gun Control?
(P.S. Politicians need to get the hell out of the discussion…and I believe the 2nd Amendment is clear…)
It’s fairly clear you weren’t specifying constitutional carry but general gun control measures.
So it’s completely fair of me to cite sources of LEO’s countering you and your city park buds about general gun control measures.
Ad hoc explanations for your piss poor initial response.
The city park cops were one example, I know many others. But the larger point is, what is there to rebut? I said the answer would vary depending on location, but here is what I have heard from people I know. That isn’t a claim that LEOs elsewhere don’t think differently. Clearly they do, and I never said otherwise.
So, why in the world would I need to prove that AZ cops don’t support constitutional carry? Did I ever claim they didn’t?
Seriously. A (true) story (I’ve mentioned this in PWI before). I asked a boxer friend the classic question of “who is the least fun person to box?” I expected him to say huge guys, or fast guys. He said, “people who don’t know how to box.”
That’s you, in PWI. You don’t know how to box. I answer Mufasa’s questions and you start barfing up examples of LEOs read to defy Obama’s executive order as a “rebuttal”.
Learn to box.