The Killbox - A submission wrestlers road to explosive power

Been here before in ages past when Achilles was still yelling out hectors name before the gates of troy. Believe I had a log back then but mostly used the site for the articles.

*eeing as the usual site where I’ve been logging over the years just closed down I needed a new one and this place came to mind. *

Quick overview of me and what you’ll find in this log
I’m 43 and been lifting since I was roughly 18 and within that timeframe I’ve been big and strong, small and strong and weak and skinny as well. Mostly though I’ve been strong and explosive which is what I have been pursuing for the past decade and a half as a result of wanting to enhance the physical qualities that are needed to excel in brazilian jiu jitsu.

2020 and 2021 was rough through as the spread of covid eventually ended up locking the country down for months and months on multiple occasions which ultimately left me and everybody else unable to get into a gym. I tried my best keeping up with calistenics but I eventually gave up trying to maintain what I had spend a decade building up. After some 4-5 months of doing absolute nothing I decided I had to do something if I wanted to come out on the other side without having gone insane. As such I went out an got myself a fully equiped homegym with everything from specialty bars, air bike, rack, dumbells, cable machine etc and matts for rolling as well. Spent a fortune but I dont think ill ever regret it. Ordered most of the equipment from the same place, so when it all arrived I was estatic and couldnt wait to assemble everything and get into it. But wait I had to because the driver infected me with covid and within days I was feeling extremely sick to the point where I was conpletely unresponsive and stopped breathing in more than one occasion. Ended up loosing almost 10kgs of bodymass over the course of 2 months while being sick and basically just sleeping the whole time. It took months to get back into something resembling a state of which I was able to even start training again and I remember thinking the baralone was heavy when doing my first squat attempt post covid. Anyhow it took some effort but im slowly grinding my way back to where I was left off pre covid but its a long way still. For my own reference I’ll post the past 7 weeks of training which is basically also where I got back into training again after covid. The last entry is from yesterdays training but these arent

*So what can you expect to find in this log? *
*Well a lot of training that is revolving around bjj or more specifically nogi bjj/submission wrestling is what you can look forward to reading about. *

*So besides strength training and trying to get back to my former self, I own and operate a nogi school which is what I use most of my time on, on a daily basis. *

Something else that someone might find interesting is that I’ve been vegan for roughly 5 years but took a full 180 and went carnivore 9 months ago. Alongside starting bjj I’d say that has been the two most profoundly life changing decisions of my life that I’ll never regret in a million years.

Hope you all enjoy my log and If you have any questions or just want to say hi - don’t hesitate to do so.

- All the best.

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - Lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round: 1: 3 min rest
Workout 1

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 2
Upper body: 2

Foam Roll:
Hamstring 60s
Quadriceps 60s
Mid to upper back 60s

Movement prep:
Combo set:
Deadbug w/ swizz ball squeeze 2x10
Split stance T-spine rotation w/ band 2x10
Single leg glute bridge w/ foam roller 2x10

A: dillac seal row 8x3, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 62 @ RIR 5
2: 62 @ RIR 5
3: 65 @ RIR 5
4: 65 @ RIR 5
5: 67 @ RIR 5
6: 67 @ RIR 5
7: 67 @ RIR 5
8: 67 @ RIR 5

B: BB glute bridge 2x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 60 @ RIR 10+
2: 80 @ RIR 10+

C1: KB waiter’s walk 2x30m, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 8 @ RPE 7
2: 12 @ RPE 9

C2: Seated alternating db hammer curls 2x10, 3min rest
Work sets:
1: 13.5 @ RIR 10+
2: 18 @ RIR 1-2

C3: Iron neck Retrac/protrations 2x10
Work sets:
1: 10 @ RIR 10
2: 10 @ RIR 10

D: Front plank 2x30-60s, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 6.5
2: 60s @ RPE 7

E: Hand gripper 2x30 @ 45% 1RM, 3min rest
Work sets:
1: 25x30 @ RIR 10+
2: 25x30 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 6

1 Like

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - Lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 1: 3 Min rest
Workout 2

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 4
Upper body: 4

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 60s
Mid to upper back 60

Movement prep Warm up:
Combo set:
Shin box 2x10
Quadrupted T-spine rotation 2x10
Copenhagen plank 2x10s

A: BB bench press 3x5 & 1x amrap, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
2: 57.5 @ RPE 6
3: 63 @ RPE 6.5
4: 68x12 @ RPE 9.5

B: SSB squat 10x2, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 50 @ RPE 6
2: 50 @ RPE 6
3: 50 @ RPE 6
4: 50 @ RPE 6
5: 50 @ RPE 6
6: 50 @ RPE 6
7: 50 @ RPE 6
8: 50 @ RPE 6
9: 50 @ RPE 6
10: 50 @ RPE 6

Combo set:C1:
Side plank 3x30-60s, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 8
2: 60s @ RPE 8
3: 60s @ RPE

C2: BB Shrugs 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 50 @ RIR 10+
2: 50 @ RIR 10+
3: 56 @ RIR 10+

C3: Close grip push up 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 10 @ RIR 6
2: 10 @ RIR 6
3: 10 @ RIR 6

D: Swiss ball rollout 2x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 10 @ RIR 10+
2: 10 @ RIR 10+
3: 10 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 6

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Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - Lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 1: 3 Min rest
Workout 3

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8G
lute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 4
Upper body: 4

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep Warm up:
Combo set:
Cat/cow 2x10
Prone shoulder butterflyes 2x10
Standing KB halo 2x10

A: 1-arm lat pulldown, 3x10 & 1x Amrap, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 30 @ RIR 2
2: 25 @ RIR 3
3: 25 @ RIR 3
4: 25x14 @ RIR 1

B: BB Deadlift, 1x5 - 3x6 & 1x Amrap, 3 min rest
Work sets:
Top set:
1: 90 @ RPE 5
Drop set:
1: 90 @ RPE 6
2: 80 @ RPE 6
3: 75 @ RPE 5.5
Amrap:1: 75x15 @ RPE 6

Combo set:
A1: Unilateral bottoms up overhead walk 3x30m, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 8 @ RPE 7.5
2: 8 @ RPE 8
3: 8 @ RPE 8

A2: Kneeling alternating db curls 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 3
2: 16 @ RIR 2
3: 16 @ RIR 2

A3: Iron Neck body rotations 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 10 @ RIR 10+
2: 10 @ RIR 10+
3: 10 @ RIR 10+

B: Front plank w/ leg lift 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 10+
3: Bw @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 7

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Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 1: 3 min rest
Workout 5

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 4
Upper body: 4

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Stationary bear crawl to birddog 3x10
Iso hold push up 3x10
Copenhagen plank w/ band row 3x10

A: Lat pulldown behind the neck, wide pronated grip 4x10 @ RIR 2-3, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 50 @ RIR 8
2: 55 @ RIR 5
3: 60 @ RIR 2
4: 60 @ RIR 2-3

B: 1" deficit dødløft 10x2, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
2: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
3: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
4: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
5: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
6: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
7: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
8: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
9: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5
10: 72.5 @ RIR 5.5

Combo set:
C1: One arm farmers kb hold 3x30s, 3 min rest
Work Sets:
1: 12 @ RPE 5.5
2: 12 @ RPE 5.5
3: 16 @ RPE 5.5

C2: Standing Ez BB curls 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 26 @ RIR 7
2: 28.5 @ RIR 6
3: 31 @ RIR 6

C3: Iron neck 180° rotations 3x10(20), 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 20 @ RIR 10+
2: 20 @ RIR 10+
3: 20 @ RIR 10+

D: Front plank to high plank 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10
2: Bw @ RIR 8
3: Bw @ RIR 6

- Session RPE: 6

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Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 2
Round 1: 3 min rest
Workout 4

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 4
Upper body: 4

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Adductor rockback 3x10
Band shoulder abduction 3x10
Half kneeling KB halos 3x10

A: Bench press 10x3, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
2: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
3: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
4: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
5: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
6: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
7: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
8: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
9: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5
10: 52.5 @ RPE 5.5

B: KB goblet squat 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 10+
2: 16 @ RIR 10+
3: 16 @ RIR 10+

Combo set:
C1: side plank w/ knee lift 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 4
2: Bw @ RIR 4
3: Bw @ RIR 6

C2: Plate truck driver 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 10kg @ RIR 10+
2: 10kg @ RIR 10+
3: 10kg @ RIR 10+

C3: Close grip push up 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 10+
3: Bw @ RIR 10+

D: Hanging knee raise 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 6
2: Bw @ RIR 6
3: Bw @ RIR 6

E: Hand gripper 2x32 @ 45% 1RM, 3-5 min rest
Work sets:
1: 25 @ RIR 10+
2: 25 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 6

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Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 1: 3 min rest
Workout 6

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Quadrupted glute activation 3x10
Band shoulder abduction 3x10
Tall kneeling KB halos 3x10

A: DB floor press 4x10 @ RIR 2-3 & 1xamrap, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 20.5 @ RIR 7
2: 22.5 @ RIR 7
3: 25 @ RIR 6
4: 27 @ RIR 5
5: 27x17 @ RIR 2

B: SSB squat 4x5, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 46 @ RPE 5.5
2: 50 @ RPE 5.5
3: 54 @ RPE 6
4: 58 @ RPE 6
5: 62x10 @ RPE 8.5

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x3
C1: Side plank 3x30-60s, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 7.5
2: 60s @ RPE 8
3: 60s @ RPE 8

C2: DB lateral raise 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 7 @ RIR 6
2: 9 @ RIR 4
3: 9 @ RPE 5

C3: Close grip push up 3x10, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 10+
3: Bw @ RIR 10+

D: Front plank 3x30-60s. 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 6.5
2: 60s @ RPE 7
3: 60s @ RPE 8

- Session RPE: 6

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Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 2: - 10s rest
Workout 5

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Bird dogs 4x12
Iso push up hold 4x8
Tall kneeling kb halo 4x12

One arm serratus plank 2x until form breaks
Static band pull apart 2x12
Split stance one arm band row w/ thoracic rotation 2x12
Lying unilateral serratus press 2x12

A: Tall kneeling lat pulldown behind the neck, wide pronated grip 5x8 @ RIR 1-2, 2:50s rest
Work sets:
1: 60 @ RIR 4-5
2: 60 @ RIR 4-5
3: 61 @ RIR 4-5
4: 62.5 @ RIR 4-5
5: 65 @ RIR 4-5

B: 1" deficit BB dødløft 10x2, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
2: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
3: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
4: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
5: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
6: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
7: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
8: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
9: 77.5 @ RPE 5.5
10: 72.5 @ RPE 5.5

Combo set:
C1: One arm farmers kb hold 4x30s, 2:50 rest
Work Sets:
1: 20 @ RPE 5
2: 20 @ RPE 5
3: 20 @ RPE 5
4: 20 @ RPE 5

C2: Standing EZ BB curls 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 31 @ RIR 5
2: 31 @ RIR 5
3: 31 @ RIR 4
4: 31 @ RIR 4

C3: Iron neck 180° rotations 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 12 @ RIR 10+
2: 12 @ RIR 10+
3: 12 @ RIR 10+
4: 12 @ RIR 10+

D: Front plank to high plank 3x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 4
2: Bw @ RIR 4
3: Bw @ RIR 3

E: Hand gripper 3x38 @ 45% 1RM, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 25 @ RIR 10+
2: 25 @ RIR 10+
3: 25 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 7

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Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block 1:
Round 2: - 10s rest: 2:50s
Workout 4

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Adductor rockback 3x10
Band shoulder abduction 3x10
Half kneeling KB halos 3x10

One arm serratus plank 2x until form breaks
Static band pull apart 2x12
Split stance one arm band row w/ thoracic rotation 2x12
Lying unilateral serratus press 2x12

A: Bench press 10x3, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 56 @ RPE 5.5
2: 56 @ RPE 5.5
3: 56 @ RPE 5.5
4: 56 @ RPE 5.5
5: 56 @ RPE 5.5
6: 56 @ RPE 5.5
7: 56 @ RPE 5.5
8: 56 @ RPE 5.5
9: 56 @ RPE 5.5
10: 56 @ RPE 5.5

B: KB goblet squat 4x15, 2:50 min rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 10+
2: 16 @ RIR 10+
3: 16 @ RIR 10+
4: 16 @ RIR 10+

Combo set:
C1: side plank w/ knee lift 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 7
2: Bw @ RIR 8
3: Bw @ RIR 6
4: Bw @ RIR 10

C2: Plate truck driver 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 10kg @ RIR 10+
2: 10kg @ RIR 10+
3: 10kg @ RIR 10+
4: 10kg @ RIR 10+

C3: Close grip push up 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 10+
3: Bw @ RIR 10+
4: Bw @ RIR 10+

D: Hanging knee raise 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 4
2: Bw @ RIR 4
3: Bw @ RIR 4
4: Bw @ RIR 4

- Session RPE: 5

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 2: - 10s rest
Workout 3

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Cat/cow 1x12
Prone shoulder butterflyes 1x12
Standing KB halo 1x12

One arm serratus plank 2x until form breaks
Static band pull apart 2x12
Split stance one arm band row w/ thoracic rotation 2x12
Lying unilateral serratus press 2x12

A: 1-arm lat pulldown, 4x10-12 @ RIR 2-3 & 1x Amrap, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 25x12 @ RIR 2
2: 25x12 @ RIR 2
3: 22.5x12 @ RIR 2
4: 22.5x14 @ RIR 2
*5: 22.5x18 @ RIR 2

B: BB Deadlift, 4x3 & 1x Amrap, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 75 @ RPE 5.5
2: 80 @ RPE 5.5
3: 87.5 @ RPE 6
4: 92.5 @ RPE 6
5: 100x10 @ RPE 9

Combo set:
C1: Unilateral bottoms up stationary march 4x45, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 8 @ RPE 7.5
2: 8 @ RPE 7.5
3: 12 @ RPE 10
4: 8 @ RPE 8

C2: Kneeling alternating db curls 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 2
2: 16 @ RIR 2
3: 16 @ RIR 2
4: 16 @ RIR 2

C3: Iron Neck body rotations 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 12 @ RIR 10+
2: 12 @ RIR 10+
3: 12 @ RIR 10+
4: 12 @ RIR 10+(6 hver side)

D: Front plank w/ leg lift 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 10+
3: Bw @ RIR 10+
4: BW @ RIR 10+

E: Hand gripper 3x36 @ 45% 1RM, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 25 @ RIR 10+
2: 25 @ RIR 10+
3: 25 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 9

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 2: - 10s rest: 2:50s
Workout 2

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Shin box 2x10
Quadrupted T-spine rotation 4x10
Copenhagen plank 4x10s

A: BB bench press 4x3 & 1x amrap, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 56 @ RPE 5.5
2: 60 @ RPE 5.5
3: 64 @ RPE 6
4: 68 @ RPE 6
5: 72x12 @ RPE 9.5

B: SSB squat 10x2, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 54 @ RPE 5.5
2: 54 @ RPE 5.5
3: 54 @ RPE 5.5
4: 54 @ RPE 5.5
5: 54 @ RPE 5.5
6: 54 @ RPE 5.5
7: 54 @ RPE 5.5
8: 54 @ RPE 5.5
9: 54 @ RPE 5.5
10: 54 @ RPE 5.5

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x4
C1: Side plank 4x30-60s, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 8
2: 60s @ RPE 8
3: 60s @ RPE 8
4: 60 @ RPE 8

C2: Kneeling BB Shrugs 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 60 @ RIR 10+
2: 60 @ RIR 10+
3: 60 @ RIR 10+
4: 60 @ RIR 10+

C3: Close grip push up 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 12 @ RIR 8
2: 12 @ RIR 8
3: 12 @ RIR 8
4: 12 @ RIR 8

D: Swiss ball rollout 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:

- Session RPE: 7

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 2: - 10s rest: 2:50s
Workout 1:

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Deadbug w/ swizz ball squeeze 3x10
Split stance T-spine rotation w/ band 3x10
Single leg glute bridge w/ foam roller 3x10

Explosive work:
A: Kadillac seal row 10x3, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 65 @ RIR 4
2: 65 @ RIR 4
3: 65 @ RIR 3
4: 65 @ RIR 3
5: 65 @ RIR 3
6: 65 @ RIR 3
7: 65 @ RIR 3
8: 65 @ RIR 3
9: 65 @ RIR 3
10: 65 @ RIR 3

Endurance Work:
B: BB glute bridge 4x15, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 80 @ RIR 10+
2: 80 @ RIR 10+
3: 80 @ RIR 4
4: 80 @ RIR 5

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x3
C1: KB waiter’s stationary march 4x45, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 8 @ RPE 8
2: 8 @ RPE 8
3: 8 @ RPE 8
4: 8 @ RPE 8

C2: Seated alternating db hammer curls 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 18 @ RIR 2
2: 18 @ RIR 2
3: 18 @ RIR 2
4: 18 @ RIR 1

C3: Iron neck Retrac/protrations 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 12(reps) @ RIR 10+
2: 12 @ RIR 10+
3: 12 @ RIR 10+
4: 12 @ RIR 10+

D: Front plank 4x30-60s, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 7
2: 60s @ RPE 7.5
3: 60s @ RPE 7
4: 60s @ RPE 7

E: Hand gripper 2x34 @ 45% 1RM, 3min rest
Work sets:
1: 25 @ RIR 10+
2: 25 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 9

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 2: - 10s rest
Workout 6

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Quadrupted glute activation 4x12
Band shoulder abduction 4x12
Tall kneeling KB halos 4x12

One arm serratus plank 2x until form breaks
Static band pull apart 2x12
Split stance one arm band row w/ thoracic rotation 2x12
Lying unilateral serratus press 2x12

A: DB floor press 4x12 @ RIR 2-3 & 1xamrap, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 27 @ RIR 7
2: 27 @ RIR 6
3: 27 @ RIR 6
4: 27 @ RIR 6
5: 27x20 @ RIR 3

B: SSB squat 4x3 & 1amrap, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 50 @ RPE 6.5
2: 54 @ RPE 6
3: 58 @ RPE 6
4: 62 @ RPE 6.5
*5: 66x9 @ RPE 9

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x3
C1: Side plank 4x30-60s, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 7
2: 60s @ RPE 7
3: 60s @ RPE 8
4: 60s @ RPE 8

C2: DB lateral raise 4x12, 3 min rest
Work sets:
1: 7 @ RIR 8
2: 7 @ RIR 8
*3: 7 @ RIR 84: 7 @ RIR 8

C3: Close grip push up 4x12, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 10+
3: Bw @ RIR 10+
4: Bw @ RIR 10+

D: Front plank 4x30-60s. 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 6.5
2: 60s @ RPE 8
3: N/A
4: N/A

- Session RPE: 7

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 3: - 10s rest: 2:40s
Workout 2

Estimated max
Bench: 102.5 (290322)
Grip: 66.3 højre & 60.4 venstre (293222)
Squat: 80 (240222)
Deadlift: 120 (240222)
BB Seal Row: 75 (240222)
Chin up: 18.75 (240222)
Glute bridge: 120 (240222)

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Shin box 2x15
Quadrupted T-spine rotation 2x15
Copenhagen plank 2x15s

A: BB bench press 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2, 1x amrap, 2:40 rest
Work sets
1: 60 @ RPE 5.5
2: 64 @ RPE 5.53: 68 @ RPE 6
4: 72.5 @ RPE 6
5: 76x10 @ RPE 9

B: SSB squat 7x2, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 58 @ RPE 6
2: 58 @ RPE 6
3: 58 @ RPE 6
4: 58 @ RPE 6
5: 58 @ RPE 6
6: 58 @ RPE 6
7: 58 @ RPE 6

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x4
C1: Side plank 4x30-60s, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 7
2: 60s @ RPE 7
3: 60s @ RPE 7
4: 60 @ RPE 7

C2: Kneeling BB Shrugs 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 60 @ RIR 5
2: 60 @ RIR 5
3: 60 @ RIR 5
4: 60 @ RIR 5

C3: Close grip push up 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 15 @ RIR 5
2: 15 @ RIR 5
3: 15 @ RIR 5
4: 15 @ RIR 5

D: Standing KB halo 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 2
2: 16 @ RIR 2
3: 12 @ RIR 2

- Session RPE: 7

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 3: - 10s rest: 2:40s
Workout 1:

Estimated max 240222
Squat: 80
Bench: 82.5
Deadlift: 120
BB Seal Row: 75
Chin up: 18.75
Grip: 61.8
Glute bridge: 120

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Deadbug w/ swizz ball squeeze 4x15
Split stance T-spine rotation w/ band 4x15
Single leg glute bridge w/ foam roller 4x15

Static band pull apart 2x12
Split stance one arm band row w/ thoracic rotation 2x12
single leg glute med band balance 2x30s

Explosive work:
A: Kadillac seal row 6x3, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 67 @ RIR 4
2: 67 @ RIR 4
3: 67 @ RIR 4
4: 67 @ RIR 3
5: 67 @ RIR 3
6: 67 @ RIR 3

Endurance Work:
B: BB glute bridge 4x20, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 80 @ RIR 10+
2: 80 @ RIR 10+
3: 80 @ RIR 4
4: 80 @ RIR 5

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x4
C1: KB waiter’s stationary march 4x45, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 8 @ RPE 7.5
2: 8 @ RPE 7
3: 8 @ RPE 7
4: 12 @ RPE 8.5

C2: Seated alternating db hammer curls 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 2
2: 16 @ RIR 2
3: 16 @ RIR 1
4: 16 @ RIR 1

C3: Iron neck Retrac/protrations 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 15(reps) @ RIR 10+
2: 15 @ RIR 10+
3: 15 @ RIR 10+
4: 15 @ RIR 10+

D: Front plank 4x30-60s, 2:50 rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 7
2: 60s @ RPE 7.5
3: 60s @ RPE 7
4: 60s @ RPE 7

E: Hand gripper 3x40 @ 45% 1RM, 3min rest
Work sets:
1: 25 @ RIR 10+
2: 25 @ RIR 10+
3: 25 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 6

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 3: - 10s rest
Workout 5

Estimated max 240222
Deadlift: 132.50 (310322)
Bench: 102.5 (290322)
Grip: 66.3 højre & 60.4 venstre (293222)
Squat: 80 (240222)
BB Seal Row: 75 (240222)
Chin up: 18.75 (240222)
Glute bridge: 120 (240222)

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Bird dogs 4x15
Iso push up hold 4x15
Tall kneeling kb halo 4x15

One leg standing glute med 4x30s
Lying serratus band push & hold 4x10 @ 3s

A: Tall kneeling lat pulldown behind the neck, wide pronated grip 5x6 @ RIR 1, 2:40s rest
Work sets:
1: 65 @ RIR 4-5
2: 65 @ RIR 4-5
3: 67.5 @ RIR 4-5
4: 67.5 @ RIR 4-5
5: 67.5 @ RIR 4-5

B: 1" deficit BB dødløft 7x2, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 82.5 @ RPE 5.5
2: 82.5 @ RPE 5.5
3: 82.5 @ RPE 5.5
4: 82.5 @ RPE 5.5
5: 82.5 @ RPE 5.5
6: 82.5 @ RPE 5.5
7: 82.5 @ RPE 5.5

Combo set:
C1: One arm farmers kb hold 4x30s, 2:40 rest
Work Sets:
1: 25 @ RPE 5
2: 25 @ RPE 5
3: 25 @ RPE 5

4: 20 @ RPE 5

C2: Standing EZ BB curls 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 31 @ RIR 2-3
2: 31 @ RIR 5
3: 31 @ RIR 2
4: 31 @ RIR 2

C3: Iron neck 180° rotations 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 15 @ RIR 10+
2: 15 @ RIR 10+
3: 15 @ RIR 10+
4: 15 @ RIR 10+

D: Front plank to high plank 3x15, 2:50 rest
Work sets:

E: Hand gripper 3x12 @ 55% 1RM, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 36 @ RIR 10+
2: 36 @ RIR 10+
3: 36 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 6

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 3: - 10s rest: 2:40s
Workout 4

Estimated max
Deadlift: 132.50 (310322)
Bench: 102.5 (290322)
Grip: 66.3 højre & 60.4 venstre (293222)
Squat: 80 (240222)
BB Seal Row: 75 (240222)
Chin up: 18.75 (240222)
Glute bridge: 120 (240222)

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Adductor rockback 4x15
Band shoulder abduction 4x15
Half kneeling KB halos 4x15

One leg standing glute med 4x30s
Lying serratus band push & hold 4x10 @ 3s

A: Bench press 7x3, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 60 @ RPE 5.5
2: 60 @ RPE 5.5
3: 60 @ RPE 5.5
4: 60 @ RPE 5.5
5: 60 @ RPE 5.5
6: 60 @ RPE 5.5
7: 60 @ RPE 5.5

B: KB goblet squat 4x20, 2:40 min rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 7
2: 16 @ RIR 7
3: 16 @ RIR 7
4: 16 @ RIR 6

Combo set:
C1: side plank w/ knee lift 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 7
2: Bw @ RIR 7
3: Bw @ RIR 7
4: Bw @ RIR 7

C2: Plate truck driver 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 10kg @ RIR 10+
2: 10kg @ RIR 10+
3: 10kg @ RIR 10+
4: 10kg @ RIR 10+

C3: Close grip push up 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 6
3: Bw @ RIR 6
4: Bw @ RIR 6

D: Hanging knee raise 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 5
2: Bw @ RIR 4
3: Bw @ RIR 4
4: Bw @ RIR 4

- Session RPE: 6

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Round 3: - 10s rest: 2:40
Workout 3

Estimated max
Deadlift: 132.50 (310322)
Bench: 102.5 (290322)
Grip: 66.3 højre & 60.4 venstre (293222)
Squat: 80 (240222)
BB Seal Row: 75 (240222)
Chin up: 18.75 (240222)
Glute bridge: 120 (240222)

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Cat/cow 1x12
Prone shoulder butterflyes 1x12
Standing KB halo 1x12

One leg standing glute med 3x30s
Lying serratus band push & hold 3x10 @ 10s

A: 1-arm lat pulldown, 4x15 @ RIR 2-3 & 1x Amrap, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 25x15 @ RIR 5
2: 25x15 @ RIR 4
3: 25x15 @ RIR 3
4: 25x15 @ RIR 2
*5: 25x18 @ RIR 1

B: BB Deadlift, 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2 & 1x Amrap, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 80 @ RPE 5.5
2: 87.5 @ RPE 6
3: 92.5 @ RPE 6.5
4: 100 @ RPE 6.5
5: 105x6 @ RPE 7.5

Combo set:
C1: Unilateral bottoms up stationary march 4x40, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 8 @ RPE 7
2: 8 @ RPE 7
3: 12 @ RPE 8
4: 8 @ RPE 8

C2: Low Kneeling alternating db curls 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 2
2: 16 @ RIR 2
3: 16 @ RIR 2
4: 16 @ RIR 4

C3: Iron Neck lateral movement w/ forward pull 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 15 @ RIR 10+
2: 15 @ RIR 10+
3: 15 @ RIR 10+
4: 15 @ RIR 10+

  • Each side

F: Front plank w/ leg lift 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 10+
2: Bw @ RIR 10+
3: Bw @ RIR 10+
4: BW @ RIR 10+

E: Hand gripper 3x10 @ 55% 1RM, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 36 @ RIR 10+
2: 36 @ RIR 10+
3: 36 @ RIR

- Session RPE: 7

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block: 1
Round 3: - 10s rest: 2:40s
Workout 6

***Estimated max
Squat: 97.5 (130422)
Deadlift: 132.50 (310322)
Bench: 102.5 (290322)
Grip: 66.3 højre & 60.4 venstre (293222)
BB Seal Row: 75 (240222)
Chin up: 18.75 (240222)
Glute bridge: 120 (240222)

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Quadrupted glute activation 4x12
Band shoulder abduction 4x12
Tall kneeling KB halos 4x12

One leg standing glute med 4x30s
Lying serratus band push & hold 4x10 @ 3s

A: DB floor press 4x15 @ RIR 2-3 & 1xamrap, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 27 @ RIR 7
2: 27 @ RIR 7
3: 27 @ RIR 44: 27 @ RIR 4
5: 32x14 @ RIR 1

B: SSB squat 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2 & 1amrap, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 54.5 @ RPE 6
2: 58 @ RPE 6
3: 62 @ RPE 6
4: 62 @ RPE
*5: 70x10 @ RPE 8.5

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x3
C1: Side plank 4x30-60s, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw + 8kg Kb x 60s @ RPE 7.5
2: Bw + 8kg kb x 60s @ RPE 93: 60s @ RPE 8
4: 60s @ RPE 8

C2: DB lateral raise 4x12, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 9 @ RIR 1
2: 9 @ RIR 3
3: 9 @ RIR 34: 9 @ RIR 1

C3: Close grip push up 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 8
2: Bw @ RIR 6
3: Bw @ RIR 74: Bw @ RIR 6

D: Front plank 4x30-60s. 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 60s @ RPE 6.5
2: N/A
3: N/A
4: N/A

Standing EZ BB curls 4x15, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 31 @ RIR 5
2: 32 @ RIR 33: 32 @ RIR 3
4: 32 @ RIR 3

F: Hand gripper 3x14 @ 55% 1RM, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 36 @ RIR 10+
2: 36 @ RIR 10+
3: 36 @ RIR 10+

- Session RPE: 7

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block 2
Round 1: - 10s rest: 2:30s
Workout 1

***Estimated max
Squat: 97.5 (130422)
Deadlift: 132.50 (310322)
Bench: 102.5 (290322)
Grip: 66.3 højre & 60.4 venstre (293222)
BB Seal Row: 75 (240222)
Chin up: 18.75 (240222)
Glute bridge: 120 (240222)

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Deadbug w/ band pull over 4x10
Side lying T-spine rotation 4x10
Side plank w/ rotation 4x10

One leg standing glute med 4x30s
Lying serratus band push & hold 4x10 @ 3s

A: Wide grip high cable row 8x10 @ RIR 2-3, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 30 @ RIR 10+
2: 35 @ RIR 10+
3: 40 @ RIR 10+
5: 45 @ RIR 10+
6: 50 @ RIR 4-5
7: 50 @ RIR 3-4
8: 50 @ RIR 3-4

B: BB hip thrust 4x10, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 105 @ RPE 9
2: 100 @ RPE 9
3: 100 @ RPE 9
4: 100 @ RPE 9

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x3
C1: Sandbag carry 4x30 meter, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 40 @ RPE 7.5
2: 40 @ RPE 7
3: 40 @ RPE 7
4: 40 @ RPE 6

C2: Standing alternating DB hammer curls 4x10, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 18 @ RIR 4
2: 18 @ RIR 4
3: 18 @ RIR 4
4: 18 @ RIR 3

C3: Iron neck lateral flexion/extension 4x10, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 10+
2: 16 @ RIR 10+
3: 16 @ RIR 10+
4: 16 @ RIR 10+

E: Hanging leg raise 4x10, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw @ RIR 6
2: Bw @ RIR 4
3: Bw @ RIR 4
4: Bw @ RIR 4

F: Hand gripper 3x16 @ 55% 1RM, 2:40 rest
Work sets:
1: 36 @ RIR 8
2: 36 @ RIR 7
3: 36 @ RIR 7

- Session RPE: 7

Juggernaut systems V.2.0 - lifestyle program
Block 2
Round 1: - 10s rest: 2:30s
Workout 2

Estimated max
Squat: 97.5 (130422)
Deadlift: 132.50 (310322)
Bench: 102.5 (290322)
Grip: 66.3 højre & 60.4 venstre (293222)
BB Seal Row: 75 (240222)
Chin up: 18.75 (240222)
Glute bridge: 120 (240222)

Daily readiness rating: 1-5
Lower body: 5
Upper body: 5

Foam Roll:
Latimus 60s
Quadriceps 120s
Mid to upper back 120s
It band 120s

Movement prep warm up:
Combo set:
Glute bridge w/ band around knees w/foot lift 4x10
Supine shoulder sliders 4x10
Copenhagen plank 4x10

One leg standing glute med 4x30s
Lying serratus band push & hold 4x10 @ 3s

A: Incline Bench press 1 top set @ RPE 7, 5 drop sets @ 6 reps, & 1amrap, 2:30 rest
Top set:
1: 70 @ RPE 7
Drop sets:
1: 57.5 @ RPE 5.5
2: 57.5 @ RPE 5.5
3: 57.5 @ RPE 5.5
4: 57.5 @ RPE 5.5
5: 57.5 @ RPE 5.5
Amrap:1: 57.5 x 13 @ RPE 9.5

B: SSB squat 12x2, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 45 @ RPE 4.5
2: 45 @ RPE 4.5
3: 45 @ RPE 4.5
4: 45 @ RPE 4.5
5: 45 @ RPE 4.5
6: 45 @ RPE 4.5
7: 45 @ RPE 4.5
8: 45 @ RPE 4.5
9: 45 @ RPE 4.5
10: 45 @ RPE 4.5
11: 45 @ RPE 4.5
12: 45 @ RPE 4.5

Combo set: C1, rest, C2, rest, C3 rest x3
C1: Standing KB halo 4x10, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 16 @ RIR 10+
2: 16 @ RIR 10+
3: 20 @ RIR 8
4: 20 @ RIR 8

C2: Plate front raises 4x10, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 15 @ RIR 6
2: 15 @ RIR 6
3: 15 @ RIR 8
4: 20 @ RIR 0

C3: Close grip push up 4x10, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw + 10kg vest @ RIR 5
2: Bw + 10kg vest @ RIR 5
3: Bw + 10kg vest @ RIR 5
4: Bw + 10kg vest @ RIR 5

E: Front plank 4x30-60s, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: Bw x 60s @ RPE 6.5
2: Bw + 10kg x 60s @ RPE 7.5
3: Bw + 10kg x 60s @ RPE 7.5
4: Bw + 10kg x 60s @ RPE 7

F: Unilateral cable Supinated wrist curls 4x10 @ RIR 2-3, 2:30 rest
Work sets:
1: 10 @ RIR 10+
2: 15 @ RIR 7-8 (Right & RIR 2-3 left)
3: 15 @ RIR 5-6
4: 15 @ RIR 2-3

- Session RPE: 5