If you’ve been reading the Off Topic section lately, then you know that many have accused Karma, a recent female poster, of being male. Heck, we’ve even gotten a letter or two about it at T-mag. They say this because she speaks openly and often “Penthouse Forumly” about sex. Many have called for her to prove her womanhood.
Well, I’ve known Karma through e-mail for a while and have seen many pictures of her. Yep, she’s female. Of course, that’s not really “proof” but I don’t think you guys have anything to worry about regarding her sex. Just a friendly public service announcement.
Oh, and if it’s okay with Karma, I’ll see about running a pic of her in Reader Mail this week along with one of the letters we’ve received.
It’s too bad this “public service announcement” even had to be made. Some guys on this forum have their watches wound a little too tight. It’s funny how many men here are proud to talk the talk of the testosterone lifestyle, but get all insecure when a woman shows a litte T-attitude on the forum. For those who can’t handle a little sexual frankness from a woman who is obviously comfortable talking about what makes her happy in the sack, don’t read her posts. Pretty simple solution. For those guys who have expressed concern as to weather Karma’s a she or he, I’m guessing their looking for a little reassurance before they proceed with stroking off to her posts.
Hmm, is this the same Gearhead who gets 75% of his posts deleted from the forum because he does nothing but call others “fags”? A quick name search also reveals that someone going by the name of Gearhead has cursed many times on this forum and is very quick to call others assholes, queers, dumb shits. etc. Hmm, there seems to be a pattern here. Do you have a few issues of your own you’d like to talk about, Gearhead?
Gearsprung’s a moron. Not only that, he’s an unpleasant moron. Hate to say it, but that’s just the way it is. You could up the deletion percentage to 99% and the Forum would be a better place.
Gearhead is the prototypical internet tough guy. Meaning he’s probably a fat teenage kid who can’t get laid to save his life and gets online to feel good about himself. Ban him for life from the forum if all he has to contribute is calling people fags.
I did a forum search and Gearhead is pretty damn useless. I didn’t see a single post about training or nutrition. The only thing that ever make me think karma might be bullshitting (not a guy, though), is she said she uses soap for a handjob and that burns like hell.
I don’t know Karma but I know a bunch of girls who talk just as openly about sex. Women are just as “bad” as men but feel they can’t express that fact because it’s taboo.
I don’t think it’s really fair to call Gearhead a fat nasty teenage guy who’s never been laid. There was always that really ugly red headed girl with lice that sat at the back of the class…
Anyway, what do you actually have to do to have a post get deleted? I'm sure we all know what's "probably" gonna get deleted. I'm sure if I had one of my posts not posted I'd rethink what I was saying.
I hope that I wasn’t one of the people you were referring to. If so, then you either misunderstood my posts or I wasn’t clear enough to begin with. I was simply honest about my suspicions, and there was no malice aforethought. Now I realize that my supicions were most likely wrong, and I apologized to ~karma~ in the appropriate thread. Just wanted to clear that up.
Many guys can’t handle assertive or forward women. Strength in a woman isn’t something a lot of us are raised to deal with. I’m glad my parents, specifically my father, weren’t like that. I guess if you have doubts about your own strength, either physically or otherwise, it’s more balming to your ego if others, especially females, come off as weaker and more frail. Then there’s the Madonna-Whore thing but that’s just way too much to type.
Actually you were not one of the guys I was referring to. I was referring to the guys who were questioning karma’s sex in combination with derogatory remarks made towards her and her desire to be open about her sex life. Your post concerning her sex, simply came across as an honest question.
chris–i will clear up any thoughts that karma isnt a girl. she lives about 10 minutes away from me, so i will just meet her for lunch. (with pleasure i might add, b/c she has given me a bunch of advice when i have girl problems, so i know what she likes wink wink). --Jesse
But how do we know that you are legit? There used to be a long time poster JC, now he is gone and we see JC#10. Nobody heard of JC#10 several months ago. Maybe it is all a part of karma’s evil plan to fool us into thinking that he is a female? Creating another character JC#10 who can back up her identity…
Karma sent me some pics of herself as well, but I guess they must all be fakes. You guys are unreal! Hey Chris Shugart, maybe you should get the “T-mag Picture Pages” up so we can post all our pics. You can make people send a pic for posting along with a scan of their driver’s license to confirm. Then everyone can see what everyone else looks like. And all the people who hide behind their internet name will be out in the open!
Nate, is there going to be a T-Mag photo gallery? Did I miss that info in a thread somewhere? I am in the process of setting up a web page, but having absolutely no experience and very basic computer skills, I am not sure how well it is going to go. A photo gallery where we can just submit a photo here would be great. Herc
There has been talk of doing something like that. Michelle has said that she would set it up if someone gave her the server to post it on. I think Shugart has talked about it in the past, but didn’t say it was something T-mag was going to do. Maybe it’s something to think about. A nice little “Member’s Profile” section to the Web site would be cool. Where people could post a pic or two along with some info. Maybe have it reserved for VIP members or to anyone visiting the forum.
just to let you know, i was the longtime poster “JC.” however, back in may i changed my name to “JC#10” because 1)everyone was using their initials, and 2)there had been 2 or 3 other “JC’s” that had posted, so i didnt want people to be confused. you can search for the thread where i stated i was changing my name, i dont remember the title, but it was the first post under my new name.