Alright, guys, I don’t know if you’ve seen this weeks reader mail or not, but there is a picture of ~karma~ on there. I suggest you all check it out. ~Karma~, after seeing that picture, I’m going to make a point and reread all of those posts you left last week. I’ll I have to say is “DAMN GIRL!” Quite impressive. Thank you for making the sun in my world just a bit brighter and the air a little fresher.
Hubba hubba
Oh my God ~karma~ is hot!!
Holy hell, you are gorgeous! Not that, um, that matters or anything (looks at feet)…
So, uh, where can I find me one of them sex-loving, money making, smart and pretty fillies? I never doubted you for a second, karma
I’ll never wash my eyes again!
yes yes, karma is definetely smokin. you guys can look, but you cant touch. cuz she wants me.
nice eyes…
I don’t understand why people think Karma is hot. No offense to Karma but you just aren’t all that. You’re not ugly but you’re not a hottie either.
Very pretty face. If a girl has a good body, though, she’s never shy about showing it off. Is she a little chunky or something? I wouldn’t think with a face like that.
I’d do her…except I am afraid she would hurt me.
Damn, this is funny…DC, are you one of those kinds of people who if someone prepares the perfect dinner, you complain about the wine? And molsonman, while your opinion is valid, what’s the point of delivering it? Sort of like the old adage, if you don’t have anything nice to say, why say it? It’s not like ~karma~ tried to present herself as female perfection, it seems she just presented her picture to make fun of all the skeptics who thought she was some fat 40 year old transvestite.
Then again, if I were being as skeptical as I usually am I could point out that a fat 40 year old transvestite could just have emailed in some random picture of a cute girl, with a caption like ‘this is me, boys.’ Of course, I’m NOT saying that, I’m just having some fun.
Hey, why the hell does my drinking water smell like semen? What have you guys been doing?!?
I’d do her, that’s if she doesn’t have a DICK. You never know.
Karma is a hoax dudes, I laugh every time I read Karma’s responses. Karma has a penis!
Guys, guys, guys! NO, it was never my intent to A) Fish for compliments (but Thank You to all those that proffered them) OR B) Come across as “I think I’m the hottest thing since some Neanderthal thought of pulling potatoes out of coals”. I am who I am - nothing more, nothing less. The pic was just to show that indeed, I am a female. Never said I was a hot female, did I? Sure, some will be appreciative of my appearance, and just as assuredly, some will be either nonplussed or disinterested. What do I care? Not a hell of a lot.
Despite TC’s modest plug for me, I have to reiterate something Michelle has said many a time - A woman’s ability to give advice/opinions on men (or any subject) and the “validity” of this advice/opinion is completely and absolutely independent of her appearance. Just because I look however I look does not make me any more or less an “expert” on men or sexuality. I just know what I like and what I have experienced; and it is to that that I speak.
Anyone interested in that is more than welcome to open a discussion with me at any time.
Damn. You guys really need to realize the whole “exploring life outside the T-mag forum” concept. It’s fun, try it.
MBE: "Endowed with the power to turn off computer and go outside on occasion since 1572."
Halelulah!! I have seen the light…
Hey ~karma~ My name is Danny and would luv to ask you on a date…and if you already have that special someone I’m not jealous just give me 1 weekday that’s all I ask
Let’s not start acting like we’ve never seen a lady before.
V. convincing picture babe but I don’t buy it.
I think Wierd al Yankovic is up to his old tricks again. Picture that when your reading the sex posts, hubba hubba!
Didn’t I say what to expect once your pic was posted? It all came true! LOL! Man, some of you guys act like you’ve never seen a girl before. Maybe some of you should get out a little more. I think you’ve been behind a computer monitor a little too long! It’s going to give you a tumor or something! LMAO!
Here’s the funny thing about some men… they talk about how they wish women were more straight-forward and more like “one of the guys”. But then when they’re confronted with a woman who fits these qualities, they freak out. Not saying all men are this way, but evidently some of us are.