Here it is, rather hazy in visuals and sound, but it’s a peak:
Also: “The Hulk” is receiving some great reviews. We’re checkin’ it out this Saturday evening.
Here it is, rather hazy in visuals and sound, but it’s a peak:
Also: “The Hulk” is receiving some great reviews. We’re checkin’ it out this Saturday evening.
Uh, the trailer is actually the first of “The Punisher”.
Be sure to give us your “professional” movie critic review. Looking forward, but a bit nervous. I’ve been disappointed a lot at the movies lately.
I got a newsletter from Bryan Haycocks site saying that Lee Priest was used for The Hulk…
“As many of you know, the much-anticipated HULK will be opening up in theaters this weekend. But what many of you may not know is that Lee Priest was used to do the motion capture for the HULK animation. I had a great conversation with Lee the other day about it. Because of Lees extreme proportions (i.e. hes HYUGE), the guys at Industrial Light and Magic felt that his movements would most closely match those of the HULK.”
Don’t know if any of you knew this, I certainly didn’t. If you already did then I apologise for posting…
I had read that awhile ago in one of the muscle rags. I remember thinking it was odd, because, IMHO, Priest seems to be one of the LEAST proportionate competitors out there. He’s a bit squatty. But I guess the Hulk looks a bit squatty too, from the trailers I’ve seen.
Man I really have to quit this shit; I always reply to something and then go back to read what I replied to and realize I sound like a dumbass. Ignore that last post. I see now that the whole “out-of-proportion” thing (as in, wider than he is tall) is what the guys at ILM were going for. Makes sense now. I’m gonna’ go sulk in the corner…
Hey, CC: Dumbass
(I’ve read several more positive reviews this morning on “Hulk”, the “The” was dropped by the studio. Two of the reviews are by critics I trust; Nick and Smiling Jack Ruby. SJR has issues with the first half, calling it rather “slow”. However, once full “Hulkmode” takes over in the second, it’s a definite “WOW”. Nick loved it from end to end. By all accounts, Ang Lee has created a comic book for people who would never ever be caught seein’ a comic book movie. )
Looks good, but the it seems like it is alot more unrealistic than the old shows.
And what’s your opinion, who would win:
Hulk or Superman
Supposedly they both have infinite strength
I thought for sure BigConan’s body was used for the Hulk… huh… now, I’m disappointed
That is a common misconception. Actually, BigConan’s body was used to render Smurfette in the new CGI smurf movie.
Conan modeled for it, Podge, but they told him he couldn’t have it unless he
dropped 100 lbs of flab first.
dat maid conan angwee!!!
marvel and dc have done a few collaberations in which these two actually go toe fist to face. at first they seemed to reach a kind of standstill but a few years ago there was a collaberation where the readers picked the winner. superman of coarse. interestingly, during this time in his own storyline the hulk was actually at a disadvantage. he was sick (too complicated, just accept it).
superman does in fact have a limit to his strength since he is essentially a living battery. (over 100,000 tons according to
the hulk, however, draws strength from emotion and was noted in Super Hero Secret Wars #4 as “Beneath 150,000,000,000 tons stands the Hulk, and he’s not happy”
but officially, superman beat him up.
7EAGLE4: Actually, in Game settings, the last time I saw the DC Heroes (dates a loooong while back), Sups actually lifted something like 81 000 000 (yep, 81 million) tons, which is leagues beyond what Marvel Super Heroes Game rated, where Big Green topped at Shift-Z (500 000 tons) level when fully enraged (up from unearthly - around 100 tons). Don`t bet the house on it, though, dates 10 years back for me.
Again, speculation is rampant. In a crossover comic, Hulks strength geometrically increased each time he hit Sups (who did not budge at all), but eventually Sups did start to feel it. Never knew how it would finish, because Sups then used his powers and quickly destroyed the cause of Hulk
s anger: a Doctor Doom device that was orbiting around the Hulk`s head.
Did not read Secret Wars, but is that poundage something the Hulk Lifted or whas that pressure (weight) that his body could endure?
Ah…the wonderful world of comics! =0)
oo jeez, this too much for me…
Dan C. You had the Marvel and DC rpgs eh? Geek!!! Hehehe.
Seems like depending on what book you looking, rpg…who’s who, marvel universe stat books etc. they seem to have all different stats. Deadpool had wildly different stats from one card set to another etc. etc.
However Superman would kick Hulk’s ass. For one reason only…superspeed. If you can hit him you lose. I’m such a geek.
I saw it and liked it. I thought the Hulk looked pretty good for CGI. I wasn’t disapointed. One problem. Some little bastard 5 year old was behind me and wouldn’t shut up. why this, why that mommy. I would’ve said something, but didn’t want to make a scene after a few shushes. The parents looked like poster people for NAAFA. I hate fat loads today. DOC MAD!!!
8.0 out of 10
Could be 10 out of 10 but it had a shit ending and it was a little too long.
I saw it fri. I too thought it was long, and not enough Hulk. I give it a 7 out of 10
Opps that should have been if you can’t hit him you lose. Doh.