I’m happy that my squats are starting to rebuild. Not so thrilled of feeling like my ass has been kicked the next day.
YES!! I did it. Finally Deadlifted 356 lb x 3 (on my last joker set). This is a freaking pr!
Silk pillowcase gift for hair was well received, great success
I’m the evening supervisor at my job. I report only to the plant manager and the owner, and I oversee all departments. The day supervisor of one of the departments, who I previously posted about because I called him a lying piece of shit (because he is), has now been reported TWICE for sexual harassment. The first time, last year, before he was supervisor, a girl called him to her office to say she had a leak above her computer. He responded by asking her “is it like this?” and started tapping her in the head and letting his hand trickle down her hair. She reported him. Nothing. 2 months later he’s supervisor, and the girl quits. We have a new girl in sales now. Yesterday, this same guy goes into the programming room where she is, and props his shoes up on her knees. For one, she’s married. For two, he’s using her as a footstool. Also, one lap around my plant has your shoes covered in chromium and acid, so I’d punch a motherfucker for doing that. She immediately said “uhh, NO” and shoved his feet off of her. He scooted forward and put his feet awkwardly on her calves and started joking that she was gonna punch him. She got upset, left, reported him, and as far as I know he was only issued a warning. Even without this shit he’s the single most incompetent piece of shit I’ve ever worked with. I don’t know what to do, but I’m about ready to talk to the owner and the plant manager and see what the fuck is going on here.
Ya, I think you’re obligated to report to the manager given your position.
And if your manager doesn’t do anything, then you may consider reporting somewhere higher.
I frankly don’t understand why anyone thinks it’s ok to touch another person unless it’s clearly understood by all involved parties that they’re either flirting or friendly with one another and know exactly what’s going on.
That’s what I said. You can feel any way you want to feel about what is or isn’t sexual harassment, but in the workplace, any unwanted physical contact is a no-no. ESPECIALLY if contact occurs in direct response to a firm no. The plant manager knows about it, I believe, it’s not a reporting issue, it’s an asking what the fuck is going on issue.
Try silk pjs/gowns, they are a total game changer in the summer, especially if it’s humid
What kind of hair does she have, @burnur?
The whole silk pillowcase/hair wrap thing got sucked into my ADHD and forgotten about, but now I’m hot on the trail again.
I agree. Completely leaving aside whether one believes that the PC police are out of hand, I can’t imagine having anyone touch me at work without there being an established relationship where this is clearly allowed. Personally, I only have one of these and am of the belief that married/coupled people who work together should keep their touching out of the work place, so in fact unless someone is giving me CPR, I don’t expect to be touched at work beyond a handshake.
I like the idea of a WTF inquiry. I wonder if the women are reporting it in a way that fails to make an impression…we can be pretty mealy-mouthed, though it’s hard to imagine saying “someone put his feet on me” in a way that doesn’t come off as direct and clear. Still. Also, the plant manager may not be tuned into his responsibility to hear this as actionable rather than as merely griping.
Good luck. He sounds loathsome. The idea of someone putting chemical-covered feet on my lap is so fucking unacceptable and repulsive, much less pushing forward to do it again like it’s a big joke that I’m saying no.
Said this many times. If someone is asking level 101 training questions on a forum. That person has no fucking business messing with pharmaceuticals.
Straight hair? Is that a kind of hair?
I dont know if it’s doing anything or if she just likes the way it feels against her face
When I was in 6th grade, my parents paid 20k to a dr. in China for HGH injections in hopes of making me taller. Basically, they/I was messing with pharmaceuticals before I even got into training.
I’m 5’0 with sealed growth plates, so I guess that money went down the drain
@flappinit I agree that in your position, and as a decent human being, a bit of fact finding is in order. I think you should keeping as fact finding, for now though. I’ve definitely seen people get burned because they made a stand based on lack of information.
I know you’re fairly young and may not care now, but I don’t know a single guy who wouldn’t prefer a petite woman over a big woman. So maybe it not working will play to your favor!
LOL! I hope so. I also hope I find a guy that doesn’t really give a shit about how I look
I think that is:
A) unlikely
B) likely to change
What do you mean?
I think you are unlikely to find a romantic relationship with someone who doesn’t care about looks.
I also think it’s extremely likely that one day you will care.
I do care abut how I look, but I think ppl place too much value in looks these days
I also don’t want to have to put too much effort into looking good for someone