[quote]Makavali wrote:
So let me clarify my question: what is the religious leaning of the majority of these child abusers? Is there a link? If not, then it’s pretty irrelevant to your point.[/quote]
You are asking for a “scientific” cause and effect with a national problem in America. That cannot be done can it? You cannot prove to me what is causing this out break of violence nor can I scientifically prove it to you to your satisfaction.
Politics is after all not a science. But a series of beliefs backed up by logical conclusions.
You can claim that taking God and the Christian value system out of schools and replacing it with pop culture ala violent video games, movies and TV shows has nothing to do with the rising rate of school shootings.
However, before God was removed and those things entered the picture we had no problem.
You can allow your belief system to color your view. I choose to look at this as not a Christian vs Atheist argument. It is about giving children good values. And that’s exactly what Christianity does on many levels. From encouraging two parent families to non violent responses. Now only has it worked, it’s worked for decades! Now it’s being removed and there is a rise in many horrible acts of violence against children.
No, I can’t prove, as in 1+1 = 2, that it is directly related to the above removal of good influences and the addition of bad. But unless you want to throw logic to the side you would be hard pressed to find a better reason.
Let go of your anti Christian bias for a once. You don’t have to believe in God to believe that a strong value system that has rewarded good behavior and punished bad is not good for our society.