It was a disgusting mess with each candidate trying to move further to the left than the other.
I will recap as I did the republican debate:
Webb- This guy made more sense than the rest at least on foreign policy. He is a former Vietnam vet who has absolutely no personality. Several times I thought he was going to pull a gun on one of the others. At least that’s the impression he gave. I found out during the debate that he was injured in the war I then felt bad for thinking those things because there is obviously something wrong with him. Speaking of guns, if someone put a gun to my head and made me vote for one of these jokers I would vote for Webb.
Bernie THE SOCIALIST- The democrats have fallen pretty far when a Socialist is part of their group of nominees. This is Socialism that we are talking about. Bernie has plans to give everyone everything that they want. He is a gift machine. The only problem is he will be spending somewhere around 18 trillion dollars while doing it. Where you going to get the money Bernie? Among other things, he proudly answers “tax the rich”. Well I have no idea as yet what he considers rich but I’m betting its less than most think. He’s not talking about just taxing billionaires. If by some weird occurrence this clown gets elected to the Presidency I will either sell my businesses, or find another way to reduce my income so that I pay nothing! Right now I pay over 50% of every dollar I make in taxes. If they don’t think that’s enough I’M DONE!
Bernie was at his best when he said that more people have fallen into poverty over the past four years than at any other time in recent past. I bet Obama hated that one.
Chaffe- He used to be an independent and also used to be a republican so I thought he might have a little more sense than the others but…NOPE. At least he was the only one with enough hair on his ass to at least claim that his past is “scandal free” I thought that was a nice little smack down to Hillary Clinton. He said this early on leading me to believe that more was coming, it never did.
O’Malley- He looked more Presidential than any of them. But then he opened his mouth and talked about how wise Obama is for playing it safe in the Middle East. Yes…if he only stood there and smiled he would have won in my opinion. He didn’t have the balls to attack Hillary either which was no surprise. I think the evil witch Debby Wasserman (we can abort a baby at 9 months) Schultz head of the DNC sat each down and told them what NOT to say.
Hillary (catch me if you can) Clinton- When Anderson Cooper brought up the the Benghazi scandal I watched her body language and it wasn’t good, slow blinking almost keeping her eyes shut clasped mouth. I could almost read her mind “oh no here we goy were out try to drive my poll numbers down bla bla bla…” Nice McCarthy you freaking moron. Glad you didn’t get the Speakers job and hope that you lose your next election bid!
As for the email scandal nothing came of that either as the old Socialist Bernie rushed to Clinton’s aid. “I think we should stick to the important issues and forget about her emails, enough is enough.” As the crowd erupted in applause. Got it Bernie you want to be her VP really nice job.
In general the entire debate made me sick to my stomach as each candidate tried to “out liberal” the other on the various issues of the day. As if that has worked well over the past 7 years under the child Obama.
“I’ll tax the rich to pay for those programs”
“the rich will start paying their fair share” (right over 50% federal, state and county is just not enough)
One thing I do agree with Hillary on is a no fly zone around Syria. The others attacked her for this because after all war is bad and we should never get in one…YAWN. Really?
I must confess I did not see the end of the debate. The entire thing gave me a headache and I retired to bed.
But after watching this charismaless group of left wing cheerleaders I feel more strongly than ever that it will be a republican year almost regardless of who gets the nomination.