[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
[quote]Cortes wrote:
The touchy feely hippy dippy dismissal of her email scandal and the subsequent complete lack of follow up by the moderator was just nauseating, and something that would be red meat for any capable Republican debater if she actually gets to the point of debating with a Republican (and I rather think she will). I would LOVE to see her try to use the same dismissive line outside of this sort of forum.
This IS an important issue. Hugely important. All politics aside. [/quote]
Completely agree. “Enough with the damn emails!” No Bernie, it’s kind of important to know if foreign governments had access to classified information because Hillary Clinton wanted to keep her activities private. [/quote]
Double agree. Hey Bernie, you’re the candidate railing against the oligarchy and the anti-democratic elite - but you get a chance to hit a homer attacking the worst example of lack of accountability and powerful interests working behind the scenes (Hillary’s entire email fiasco) and you say “look the other way?”
What clown.
I’m seeing a lot of pro-Bernie stuff on facebook, and his ‘get along’ moment with Hillary was one of them. You said it perfectly. I’ll probably keep my opinion only on these forums as I don’t think its wise to battle over facebook even though Bernie’s stance to look the other way is completely illogical to his anti-elite position.
Seeing the mid-20’s generation on facebook respond so positively to Bernie is frightening.