The De-Pussification of America Starts Now?

I just saw a commercial for a new kids toy for boys that has saws, hammers, nails, and ‘fake wood’. The kid cuts the wood and nails it together to build various objects. Anyone think this will help boys be more manly, by manly i mean, not wearing skinny jeans and super tight purple shirts and makeup when they get to high school.

No. I always wanted an easy-bake oven, but that’s only because I had all of the ‘The Corps!’ men already.

I used to like to have the Chinese ones take hostages.

They always killed a few before the Americans showed up.

And then there were the bioweapons.


It’s all good in the hood…I’m sure you’ll still have the skinny jeans kids (or the equivalent there of) when the hammer and nails toy kids grow up too, and you’ll still have the jocks and you’ll still have the band geeks and underachievers and so the cycle continues…

As a boy growing up in the 60s and 70s, I played with GI Joe, Major Matt Mason, Big Jim, Tonka trucks (when they were still made of steel), Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, erector sets, built things out of wood constantly, fished obsessively, wrestled my brother, and hunted, boxed, and went to actual boxing matches with my dad.

But still I somehow ended up with a career drawing pictures all day.


[quote]polo77j wrote:
It’s all good in the hood…I’m sure you’ll still have the skinny jeans kids (or the equivalent there of) when the hammer and nails toy kids grow up too, and you’ll still have the jocks and you’ll still have the band geeks and underachievers and so the cycle continues…[/quote]


[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
As a boy growing up in the 60s and 70s, I played with GI Joe, Major Matt Mason, Big Jim, Tonka trucks (when they were still made of steel), Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, erector sets, built things out of wood constantly, fished obsessively, wrestled my brother, and hunted, boxed, and went to actual boxing matches with my dad.

But still I somehow ended up with a career drawing pictures all day.


I used to kill bees with a flyswatter and feed them to ants.

Good times.

Girls are given dolls when they’re younger so they can grow up thinking that all they’re supposed to do as adults is look pretty all the time, cook and clean and have Ken take care of her.

Yet females still grow up with free will, as males have the ability to do as well.

My mom, good 2nd wave feminist that she was, tried me out on “girl” toys and “boy” toys.

I loved the play oven, and the doctor bag with stethoscope. I couldn’t have cared less about the toolkit with the hammer and wrench. I was all about the frilly pink stuff.

Im starting to see the younger parents (late 20s-early 30s) that are really coming down on their kids. I think with my generation,were watching our little brothers and sisters become spoiled brats and dont want our kids to be the same. Its just the babyboomers that are fucking kids up these days.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

But still I somehow ended up with a career drawing pictures all day.


If you still ended up drawing after all the Tonka’s and GI Joe’s, imagine how you would’ve turned out playing with the toys they make today.

[quote]Nikki9591 wrote:
Girls are given dolls when they’re younger so they can grow up thinking that all they’re supposed to do as adults is look pretty all the time, cook and clean and have Ken take care of her.

Yet females still grow up with free will, as males have the ability to do as well.[/quote]

That’s retarded, wimmenz are supposed to clean, cook, oh…you said that. Oh, you forgot bring beer and sammiches…jeeze.

Hm, I believe I’m the very last year of the Baby Boomers and my kids are 25 and 18. So are you saying my kids are not raising their kids right (only the 25 year old has a kid)…I can’t figure out which generation you think is wrong Toten. FWIW, since restaurants here are all non smoking here, I think kids/no kids sections are the wave of the future so I don’t have to deal with kids whose parents think the less well behaved they are, the cuter they are. They’re not cute.

[quote]Totenkopf wrote:
Im starting to see the younger parents (late 20s-early 30s) that are really coming down on their kids. I think with my generation,were watching our little brothers and sisters become spoiled brats and dont want our kids to be the same. Its just the babyboomers that are fucking kids up these days. [/quote]

I agree… a lot, not all, babyboomers decided to ignore age-old and proven practices of raising kids and came up with new shit. (ex: time out)

The new generation of parents are looking back at the traditions of their grandparents.

Unfortunately there is also a large number of the new generation that decided to continue the “new trends of child-rearing”, which leads to: Single Mom family, or Mom with Pants & Dad with Skirt family

[quote]evilachilles9 wrote:
I just saw a commercial for a new kids toy for boys that has saws, hammers, nails, and ‘fake wood’. The kid cuts the wood and nails it together to build various objects. Anyone think this will help boys be more manly, by manly i mean, not wearing skinny jeans and super tight purple shirts and makeup when they get to high school.[/quote]

Thats not going to make kids “manly” A toy with a saw and hammer etc… how about said parents hand their kids a hammer and saw and send them to the backyard to play with shit. When I was a kid my parents bought microwaves and driers etc… from the goodwill so I could play with them and take them apart. Or I would help my dad at his shop on the cars etc…

If you want to buy kids some actual toys something like lego mindstorm etc… is the way to go. A commercial for a toy that is a hammer, saw and fake wood just shows how ridiculous we’ve become.

I like the idea of manly toys for kids and hope the trend continues further…

Suggestions: “Baby’s first acetylene torch”, “Lil’ Larry’s injection molding kit”, “Build-your-own power auger” and “Col. Claymore McSemtex’s anti-personnel fun kit”

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]evilachilles9 wrote:
I just saw a commercial for a new kids toy for boys that has saws, hammers, nails, and ‘fake wood’. The kid cuts the wood and nails it together to build various objects. Anyone think this will help boys be more manly, by manly i mean, not wearing skinny jeans and super tight purple shirts and makeup when they get to high school.[/quote]

Thats not going to make kids “manly” A toy with a saw and hammer etc… how about said parents hand their kids a hammer and saw and send them to the backyard to play with shit. When I was a kid my parents bought microwaves and driers etc… from the goodwill so I could play with them and take them apart. Or I would help my dad at his shop on the cars etc…

If you want to buy kids some actual toys something like lego mindstorm etc… is the way to go. A commercial for a toy that is a hammer, saw and fake wood just shows how ridiculous we’ve become.[/quote]

I’m a man who discovered the wheel, and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn! That’s what kind of man I am. You’re just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It’s science

[quote]polo77j wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]evilachilles9 wrote:
I just saw a commercial for a new kids toy for boys that has saws, hammers, nails, and ‘fake wood’. The kid cuts the wood and nails it together to build various objects. Anyone think this will help boys be more manly, by manly i mean, not wearing skinny jeans and super tight purple shirts and makeup when they get to high school.[/quote]

Thats not going to make kids “manly” A toy with a saw and hammer etc… how about said parents hand their kids a hammer and saw and send them to the backyard to play with shit. When I was a kid my parents bought microwaves and driers etc… from the goodwill so I could play with them and take them apart. Or I would help my dad at his shop on the cars etc…

If you want to buy kids some actual toys something like lego mindstorm etc… is the way to go. A commercial for a toy that is a hammer, saw and fake wood just shows how ridiculous we’ve become.[/quote]

I’m a man who discovered the wheel, and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn! That’s what kind of man I am. You’re just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It’s science[/quote]

I’m thinking of a significant invention a women has come up with…

still thinking…

still thinking…

um, the compiler?