The Complete Power Look Program Completion- Results

Hey CT,
Ive come to the end of the ‘The Complete Power Look Program’ with great results currently got 3 x 3 on Incline Bench Press using 100% of my 1RM and for Front Squat got 1 x 3 100%, 1 x 3 102.5% and 1 x 3 105% of my 1RM. I now have a blood blister on my right hand so I will not complete the 3 x 3 100% 1Rm for Push Press and Deadlift as I need to give this time to heel. But I know going from last weeks 3 x 2 using 100% 1RM I would of completed 3 x 3 for both lifts this week.

So I need some help with rescheduling in terms of progressing beyond this program. I was hoping to test my 1RM next week after completing ‘The Complete Power Look Program’ than take a week off then go into a month of hypertrophy work leading into the 915 program, but instead I am going to take next week off to let my hand heel.

So when should I test my 1 RM? After my week off should I test my 1RM for the first week then move into hypertrophy work for a month than into the 915 program, or should I after the week off do the month of hypertrophy work then do a week to test my 1 RM than move into the 915 program?

Appreciate your help with this, and again highly recommend the ‘The Complete Power Look Program’,
really enjoyed it and have gotten my best results ever from it. Will defiantly do again down the track some time.

-Really push to compete weeks 3 and 4 on the main lifts of 5 x 5 and 5 x 6 and once you get through this the main lifts progression through to week 10 works quite smoothly (defiantly not easy but you start to feel your strength increasing making the lifts achievable)

-For phase 2, for your 2nd assistance exercise, make sure on the lift you are using a weight that at the time is currently more than you are doing on your main lift. Get in early with using weights heavier than your main lifts, the familiarity really helps in the latter stages (this effected my incline BB press not using an overload here for phase 2)

Thanks again,
P Kelly

If you do that I would deload first. You can use the first half of the week to deload and then test half the lifts on friday and the other half on sunday.

For the deload days (Monday and Wednesday) I would do all 4 lifts with a moderate weight (80%) for 3 sets of 3 very explosive reps, just to keep the nervous system fresh. And on the off days (tuesday, thursday, saturday) I would singificantly increase caloric intake.

Thanks for the reply CT.

Just so I’m clear, I should take the week off, then come back and test my 1RM on all 4 lifts then the next week start 4 weeks of hypertrophy work?

For the 1RM test week, would you recommend doing:


Front squat 3 x 1 @ the weight used for the sets of 3 the previous week

Deadlift 3 x 1 @ the weight used for the sets of 3 the previous week

Bench press 3 x 1 @ the weight used for the sets of 3 the previous week

Push press 3 x 1 @ the weight used for the sets of 3 the previous week



Front squat 3 x 2 @ 10-20lbs LESS than monday

Deadlift 3 x 2 @ 10-20lbs LESS than monday

Bench press 3 x 2 @ 10-20lbs LESS than monday

Push press 3 x 2 @ 10-20lbs LESS than monday



Front squat TEST 1RM

Bench press TEST 1RM


Deadlift test 1RM

Push press test 1RM

(Monday and Wednesday) I would do all 4 lifts with a moderate weight (80%) for 3 sets of 3 very explosive reps, just to keep the nervous system fresh.

Then test half the lifts on friday and the other half on sunday as you mentioned before?

Thanks again for the help,