The AD While Juiced

I dont know if some of you guys follow the Anabolic Diet. It’s basically (after a 2 week break in period) a VERY low carb, very hight fat, pretty low protein diet for 5 dyas, followed by two days of carb loading, still with some fat, and low protein.

There’s a thread dedicated to it and it must be the longest one ever on T-Nation. The people on it swear by this stuff. It’s not really a diet as it is a lifestyle. People can eat like pigs even if it is low carb or tweak it while cutting.

Why I post here, is cause I want to know if some juicers are on it. The accepted way of eating on roids seems to be very high carb, high protein, low fat cause we dont need to prime our hormones while on.

Low protein high fat sure does not seem the way to go while “assisted” but then again, maybe some of you have tried and can give feedback.

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Anyone has any idea or know someone who tried a AD eating pattern while assisted?

You need protien. An assload of it. Even steroids can’t create lean tissue out of thin air. On a cycle your protein needs are even higher or your defeating the point of doing one in the first place.

dude im on the AD and im about to begin my 10 week cycle. if youve been on the diet long enough you will notice that the diet is very protein sparring. i agree you need protein for protein synthesis but once your on this diet you will not be like most people. how much do you weigh? your macro breakdown on the AD should be 60-65% fat 30-35% protein and just dont get over 30g carbs.

im sure you know that. unless your 300lbs. 200-230g of protein is enough for anyone on the AD. if you feel low on protein you know what to do with our diet. EAT SOME STEAK! or chicken

I still ate a ton of protein on the AD.

Most things like steak, cheeses and stuff has protein how could you avoid protein?

Of course you dont “avoid” protein on the AD, but since it is protein sparing, you eat way less protein than on your typical BB diet.

BTW I’m not knocking it off. Quite the opposite, I want to go for it. My question is cause I’m curious.

The AD makes perfect sense since you prime your hormones, but “assisted” you dont really need that and the usual recomandations are high carb high protein, low fat.

Quite the opposite of the AD as even the 2 days of carb loading it’s still low protein and a good amount of fat.

So in essence you’re saying you stick to the AD while on cycle? No modifications at all? Do you feel you come off easier than on your previous eating patterns?

how long have you been on the diet? so far for me, i can tell its manipluating my hormones. i recover quicker, im getting stronger, and my arms are getting more defined. but that might be because i was very fat and couldnt do much with dips and now i can bust out a good set of 12.

dips and chin ups have become my new best friends on this diet. my legs are getting even stronger. i can squat ass to the grass 565lbs as a max compared to my old 525lbs. in a matter of two weeks. maybe its my CNS working better or maybe this diet is the real deal.

i cant imagine the change in body composition and strength when i begin a cycle. even if its a cutting cycle with the calories i get from this diet i should be fine. this diet being protein sparring will really use all of my protein towards muscle building and not turning it into glucose.

btw i am 255 lbs. and damn proud to be able to dip with that much weight. god those strong triceps ive built turned me into a benching machine.

i want to give you one tip for this diet. take your temperature under your arm pit before you begin. that way when your worried about not getting enough calories you can go back and check if your temperature changes. depending on if you get hotter or colder you can tell if your metabolism is slowing down or speeding up.

get rolling with the diet and a couple weeks later once you begin to add carbs to your diet i suggest running a cycle with test and another compound of your choice depending on your goals.