[quote]Professor X wrote:
stevo_ wrote:
medevac wrote:
I always thought it would be a good idea to do an interview with him like they did with Caveman. Doesn’t have to be a full on 9 page blow out but a quarterly phone interview with a member would be easy to do and a good read. There are about 5 members off the top of my head that would make good candidates.
I mean no disrespect to the big boy by saying this but the problem with what you’re saying is it the article would be about 3 lines long.
Go to the gym
Eat food, not crap
Sorry, i guess it would only be two lines long.
Point being, what he says isin’t rocket science, he preaches actual hard work which is what 99% of people DON’T want to hear.
Exactly. People are looking for anything that will allow them to calculate or medicate their way to an above average build. They want to know the latest supplement or the latest routine. They want to feel super smart in the gym…even though no one cares what your IQ is there especially if you train and look like a little girl.
If most people were actually willing to work very hard or make sacrifices, there wouldn’t be much of a need for most of the articles posted here.
People want a quick fix. That is why newbs jump around to a new routine every other week…as if that one week was supposed to have taken them from lanky to large.
I don’t believe in shit like that. I don’t care how many articles someone can quote, especially when their true educational level shows they really don’t have much of a scientific background to even understand most studies in depth without someone telling them what to think.
The people who have ALWAYS made the most progress never needed to be the most eloquent or the guys who graduated top of their class. They simply understood how to work their ass off and give it everything they have. They don’t sit there and claim “1-10 reps is for strength”…because that idea is bullshit to begin with as if no one can grow optimal muscle mass without going above ten reps.
What good would an article do? It would simply be ripped apart by the same crowd that rushed to type, “great article!!!” after every one that is released even though not enough of them look built enough to justify their actions.
The people who know how to work hard don’t need articles. They just need a little guidance…and they understand that most of that is best found IN THE DAMN GYM or at least with people who show progress.[/quote]
The sad thing is, with all the great info on this site its actually making hindering peoples progress. I went through a phase of jumping all over the programs here changing it up all the time, taking every single supplement ever produced and it frankly didn’t give me any better gains then when i first started going to the gym with a couple of mates when we had 3 bench days, 2 arms days and thurs/ fri we would cut our work out short and walk straight over the road to happy hour.
knowing what your are doing is great, there are a few effective supps out there also but for 95% of the population poeple are making this shit far too complicated.
Hell, theres detailed micromanaged logs on this site of overweight guys who are barley losing weight but yet are massive supplement spenders and throw exciting words like “refeed”, “cluster reps” and god knows what else to make themselves feel better. Go for a run and stop eating shit…seriously.
I’m almost scared to read the utter nonsense thats going to be posted by people once “I, bodybullilder” is released (no disrespect to CT intended)