I want to start off by saying that I’ve never used a performance enhancing drug, anabolic steroid, any sort of hormone manipulation and never even used a natural testosterone booster.
but after arguing with the doctor for a while i got my test checked anyways.
my free test is 54.3 (i believe pg/mL) and the range is (35.0-155.0)
and my Testosterone total was 204 (LOW) (ng/dL) and the range is 250-1100
there are more lab results in picture form throughout this thread.
10APRIL2012 i also found out i have a varicocele in my left testicle
EDIT, more background info
I’m in the Army. over the past couple years i’ve had frequent changes in sleep patterns because of a deployment to the middle east, and shift changes here at work. as of Febuary I’ve had a steady and constant regular day shift (5-5)
edit: Basic Questions
-age 22 years old
-height 68 inches
-waist not sucking in about 39ish
-weight 235ish
-describe body and facial hair: Almost full beard few spots missing but pretty full
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: mostly evenly dispersed, Mostly stomach boobs butt and thigh, possibly female like.
-health conditions, symptoms [history]
a little tired, anti social, stressed and taking a long time to fall asleep nothing major, fatigue is my biggest issue
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever Naproxen ever now and again, melatonin for sleep, 50,000 IU of vit D once a week for 9 weeks (took my last pill on the 19th of may
-lab results with ranges
new lab results posted below 20march2012
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets]
usual days are 3000ish lots of blue berries, strawberries, bananas, apples, raw broccoli, white rice eggs chicken and salmon are a staple as well. isopure and ON casein or Dynamic nutrition casien.
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training]
6 days a week lifting bodybuilding style split. 3 cardio days (two 30minute steady state, one 15 mintute sprint/jog session). 1 actual no training day off.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever?
not really, i think i may have a possible minor varicocele on the left testicle getting an ultra sound 10April2012 (the doctor said it was minor and to leave it alone)
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed
some mornings i have morning wood and others i dont