So I got a solicitation in the mail today from a prominent hospital in Boston. It is one of those long term studies where they will pay you for your time, if you complete the study. I read through it and got a kick out of it. Here is what it says:
[quote]"Dear Sir:
We are writing to invite you to participate in a research study. The goal of the study is to determine the levels of testosterone or estrogen needed to prevent a variety of health problems in men including bone loss, muscle loss, gain in fat, increases in cholesterol, and decreases in sex drive. This information may help physicians determine which men should be treated with testosterone, particularly as men age."[/quote]
Ok, peaked my interest…
Ok, looks like I’m a qualified candidate.
I don’t fucking think so. I’d like to have an extra grand in my pocket just as much as the next person. And I think the study could help the scientific community. And I hope they find all of their lab rats. But I have NO interest in lowering my testosterone levels to find out how much bone density I lose, how fat I get, how much my cholesterol goes up and how much my sex drive goes down. Nope. Thanks for the letter. Best of luck to y’all.