Finasteride causes low testosterone, PFS can cause sexual, physical, mental and neurological symptoms in patients who have taken finasteride. Symptoms often persist after the you stopped taking finasteride.
The Post-Finasteride Syndrome is a serious state of permanent sexual, mental, and physical side effects which do not resolve after quitting the drug. Most often, it is accompanied by an acquired form of secondary hypogonadism and post-drug loss of androgenic action, which remains highly resistant to hormonal PFS treatment.
It is also surmised by the few specialists in the medical field that a type of receptor or “brain damage” has occurred. As often seen with such damage, recovery is very slow or now questioned whether possible at all. Needless to say, men suffering from PFS are plagued with any physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that have led to long term depression, marital problems and divorce, and now several reports cases of suicide.
One of the benefits to TRT is increased DHT, DHT is needed for libido and wellbeing and you have chosen your hair over wellbeing and libido. It’s reported by some who take finasteride that they have lost their mojo, they just feel like they have lost that wellbeing and libido.
In laboratory mice there was a marked increase in isolation, depression and decreased sex drive. This is what happens when one suppress DHT and if you’re the unlucky enough to suffer receptor damage recovery is not guaranteed or likely.
|Sexual Symptoms|Physical Symptoms|Mental and Neurological Symptoms|
Decreased or complete loss of sex drive, female-like breast development and enlargement, severe memory loss, recall impairment, erectile dysfunction, impotence, chronic fatigue, listlessness, slowed thought processes, loss of morning and spontaneous erections, muscle atrophy, weakness, impaired problem solving, decreased comprehension, sexual anhedonia, loss of pleasurable orgasm, decreased oil and sebum production, depression, decreased semen volume and force, chronically dry, thinning of skin, anxiety, penile shrinkage and numbness, melasma, suicidal ideation, peyronie’s disease, tinnitus, emotional flatness and anhedonia, scrotal shrinkage and numbness, increased fat deposition, obesity and elevated body mass index, insomnia, decrease in body temperature, reduced HDL cholesterol, raised fasting glucose and triglycerides, attempted suicide, completed suicide.
All this makes finasteride not worth it whether on TRT or not.