Might there be a correlation between autism and low T?
I am not suggesting any causation. Maybe chemical pollution could be causing both.
That one is interesting. Autism / ADD is correlated to lots of androgens in the womb. I’ve heard the autistic mind being called basically an extreme male mind.
You could be correct, but I think on average autistics start off life with an abundance of testosterone and DHT.
The amount of exotic chemicals released into the environment could account for one affecting increased incident of autism, yet another affecting low-T could account for the correlation (in timing.), yet not be related.
I never recall any students that appeared to be autistic. They were all compliant to requests to stay seated and quiet (sure, a fair amount of social gabbing was going on when they thought they could get away with it.)
I blame the downfall of society on TikTok
I’m guessing the already huge TRT industry is going to get a lot bigger in the next decade or so.
Very true, but if they are still performing at elite level it can’t be too detrimental to performance interestingly.
There is something to be said about what we eat in the U.S. Most of my town is overweight/ obese and they consume whatever can be thrown at them through a window. So you have people deficient in most vitamins and minerals, overweight and downloading hundreds of grams of sugar per day. I would definitely say horrendous nutrition on a daily basis is a huge factor. It drives me crazy that a lot of blue collar towns put their health dead last.
This is a weird correlation I’ve noticed as well. The same old-timers that lost fingers from band saws are the same ones who give younger generations shit for trying to take care of their body. “Red-blooded 'mericans don’t need to take care of their body, and we don’t want the guvmint tellin us how to neither!”.
I’m full-bore conservative, but, umm, taking care of your body is kind of important too (I’m also blue collar).
I would have to agree with you as well!
You make some good points. But… evolution is a very slow process, occurring over many generations. Biology (the gene pool) doesn’t change much over 20 to 40 year time spans in humans. It is true that environmental and lifestyle changes can produce more rapid changes in how your genes work (epigenetics). But then the triggering events for malfunction are still lifestyle and environmental changes.
Cultural evolution can also occur much more rapidly than biological evolution. And maybe that can affect biology, or at least interact with biology (e.g., raise or lower the economic status of Alpha males).
Obesity causes sleep apnea, lack of quality sleep lowers testosterone, which makes losing fat harder. Another factor in why testosterone is plummeting.
Well yes and no.
In the study called “The Demise of Men” a dude clearly shows data on how male brains degraded withing 2 generations and most damage was done in basically first 13 years of the last generation.
For example, ones grandfather could maybe see 2 naked women in his entire life so his reward system worked differently and he got pleasure out of work, and physical activities, and just talking with people. His grandson has 7 tabs open in PornHub and has seen 20 naked women in like 10 minutes and he does this since the age of 11, and by the age of 14, his reward system is so fried that he doesnt see regular girls attractive, has no interest in competing with other guys for their attention and he doesnt get any pleasure out of talking to a girl or winning a race between other men. So his body produces hormones differently since he doesnt need to work or compete. He also doesnt obtain any skills because that is unnecessary also.
There is a saying in my country(but probably there is the same saying in all cultures) - “Pie laba pierod” which when translated basically means that - you get used to good stuff very fast and now dont even remember that you could live without it a month ago. I believe that lots of things that make our lives easier make us weaker.
For example, when i was a kid, there were no cell phones. I played in a band, and we were constantly looking for new members. So we found them via ads, and contacted via emails. Then we discussed a time and a place to meet, and everyone was always on time and in the right place. Ever since cell phones went global, people are always late, or cant find the place, or are at the wrong door or wrong entrance.
Its the same with me - i used to draw maps from internet on a paper to know where to drive and i always found the place. Now when navigation is available i will fuck up half the turns on the way and still be late.
I believe our brains, hormones and bodies function like this. As soon as we get ahead, our body gets rid of everything unnecessary.
I believe even after obesity was factored out mean T level was still substantially lower.
Whoops. Semen quality takes a bit of a hit but no major impact on T levels.
Nice to humans eventually phase themselves out in the name of progress. It was a good run.
Check out the TT levels. Clearly these 19 year olds need more T like the real men in the old days! (haha)
Homework assignment:
- convert the TT/fT values to ng/dl.
- What does Table 3 tell you in the context of TRT/TOT?
Extra credit: check out how Table 3 gets amped up in the popular press: