No princess, I asked if you had a physical impediment that would cause you to be unable to do something. If you did then it would be tougher to give you a solution to the problem. The fact that you cannot mentally handle something that is extremely easy to do and is done by millions of people every single day without issue is a whole different story. It’s not just easy for me, it’s easy for anyone with the physical dexterity and mental acumen required to hold two things at once and pull back on the plunger. I’m not special nor do I possess magical powers. I just can do a very simple thing. Do you simply have no interest in learning how to do something that may benefit you? Where does this resistance come from?
If you had just asked straight up if I had some handicap it would have been ok but you added how easy it is
" then getting it out of the vial is one of the easier things you’d do on any given day."
This is the insult do you not even realize this? You seem to have problems having a regular conversation with someone without insults. That’s on YOU not me call me princess or snowflake all you want. You 100% started this by assuming that something easy for YOU should be easy for EVERYONE. I am not a god damn nurse and have no interest in going into that profession. There’s lots of people that get injected at these clinics I have trouble sometimes getting an appointment to see a nurse because someone else has already taken the time. I guess all those people must be dumb because " then getting it out of the vial is one of the easier things you’d do on any given day." If the entire process was so simple there should be nobody getting these injections.
You were completely out of line and nothing you can do can change that. You went in with the mentality that I must have a handicap because it’s so easy it’s like taking the cap off a pen, it’s not others get injections for various reasons. FACT you’re wrong and out of line.
I don’t have time for someone wanting to insult me on here I am here to get advise something you’re too petty to offer without insults.
I see you’re doubling down on stupid on your latest post “it’s so easy a caveman can do it” Just piss off. I’m sure you’ve surveyed thousands of people to know it’s easy for everyone but me. Man you are something. You must be on some junk with your bully mentality you got you should think about reducing your dose.
Who would of thought I come on t-nation and instead of getting nice respectable people I get someone like iron_yuppie. I shouldn’t be surprised at all.
That’s what we’re counting as in “insult”? Really?! Yeesh.
If you think that’s what it takes to go from very fat to not very fat, you need learn a ton about basic training and nutrition. Asking experienced members for advice would be a good start. I could name a few guys.
No clue what you mean by this… but I don’t take it as an insult. I take it as you being very, very easily offended because some expectation of kid gloves treatment wasn’t met. However, your questions were being answered before your panties got bunched, so I guess the forum was a little surprising after all.
And, yeah, the fact remains drawing Test out of a vial is tie-your-shoes easy. Bare minimum guidance, a little practice, and you should be off and running on your own. People get injections at the doctor’s office typically because it’s what insurance requires and/or it’s the doctor’s standard of care, but tons of guys here in the T Replacement forum are doing their own injections without being trained professionals. Funny, that.
I assumed that an easy thing was easy. Yes, that’s 100% on me. I also assumed you weren’t an idiot (and somehow still don’t actually believe you are, despite your best efforts to convince me) and could learn how to do something that isn’t in any way difficult. Wouldn’t it have been unbelievably smug of me to just say “well surely your brain is too smooth to understand this process, so I guess you’re stuck doing things the way you’re doing them now”? That would have actually been insulting. You’re manufacturing outrage at something that nobody else would be offended by. Either you want help and you came here to learn or you want to pout like a child. You get to decide. Even after all of this I would make you a video tutorial for how to properly draw from a vial if you thought it would help you. Stop whining and start learning. None of us knew much of anything when we started. You get to choose if you progress or stay stuck with your current conditions.