Hello All,
I’ve been a long-time lurker and have been training for about 2 years(Currently following a TBT plan including multiple different squats and deadlifts). I had some bloodwork done several months ago and my testosterone results seemed rather low (as well as it’s been nearly impossible for me to make gains), so I pushed to see an endocrinologist (I am seeing him monday).
I’ve had some updated bloodwork, but it is very different from what it was previously (free testosterone was almost double what it was in my previous test). I’ve included below my test results and a bit of background on myself. I just want to know if my cause for concern is still valid. I’d greatly appreciate any and all input.
March Tests:
Total Testosterone:
Result: 2.89 ng/mL
Reference Range: 2.5 - 9.5 ng/mL
Testing Method: Chemiluminescent Immunoassay
Free Testosterone:
Result: 7.1 pg/mL
Reference Range: 10 to 30 pg/mL
Testing Method: Radioimmunoassay
June Tests:
Result: 1.8 mIU/mL
Reference Range: 1.5 - 10.0 mIU/mL
Testing Method: Chemiluminescent Immunoassay
Free Testosterone:
Result: 14 pg/mL
Reference Range: 10 to 30 pg/mL
Testing Method: Radioimmunoassay
(The June test results were the only ones the endocrinologist told me to get before the visit)
I am 23 years old, 5 ft 7 in, weight about 226lbs and have am roughly 24% bf .About 4 years ago I was closer to 320lbs (I’ve been very obese for most of my life) and went on a very strict low-carb diet. I lost 125 lbs, however I lost a good amount of muscle mass along with the fat.
After I lost the weight I started working out to try and get in shape. I no longer am on a very strict low-carb diet, but I eat clean (Currently following the guidelines setup by precision nutrition).
I made some gains initially, but I have been stuck where I am now since January. I’ve switched things up, taken a break, etc and still cannot seem to make any progress.
My primary care physician does not believe there is any reason for concern, but I am still unsure…and now with the new measurement of free testosterone being so much higher than it was before it just has me more confused.
Thank you in advance for any input, I really appreciate it.