Testing T-Levels; Where Should They Be?

So, decided that before I started playing with Alpha Male or other T-boosters, I should get checked. Gonna talk to my doctor Monday about getting blood work done; where, cost, etc.

My question is, what should I specifically be looking for? Also, as far as t-levels go, where should they be at. I’m 23 years old, btw. I’m expecting them to be low, gained a lot of fat, lost a lot of muscle. Lots of stress right now, etc. What range is high enough that I should be fine with just heavy lifting and simple supplementation (Rez-V, ZMA, etc)? What range should I shell out for Alpha Male at (money is very tight right now, don’t want to shell out for it if I can avoid it)? And I’m pretty sure if it’s low enough that TRT is needed, my doctor will say something.

If/when I have the money, I’ll probably take Alpha Male regardless of levels…but I got laid off and am working a minimum wage retail job right now, so I have VERY little to put towards supps.

The “normal” range for testosterone levels in men is something like 250-1000ng/dL. This includes men of all ages, so although a level of 250 may be “normal” for a 90 year old man, it is not normal for a 23 year old. I think the general wisdom is that anything in the 300’s or lower should be a candidate for HRT, and at your age possibly even higher. Some doctors won’t treat you if you levels are 250 or so since you are still considered “normal.” If that is the case, find a new doctor.

Read the stickies in the T-Replacement forum for more information and post there if you have any more specific questions.

I have not had much experience with T boosters, but if your levels are good, you probably would be better off spending the money on good food.