Testicle shrinkage

Hello, I’m about 6 weeks into my first injectable cycle (I did an oral cycle a year ago) and I noticed I have extreme testicle shrinkage. They are under half their original size and are pulled very high and tight. I knew of this side effect but didn’t think it was to this extreme. Do you think they will gradually regain their original size as I do my PCT (AI and SERM) or do I need another drug like hcg? OR is this permanent?

I have never done testosterone for a roid cycle, only TRT for over two decades. Testicular atrophy (half normal size) was not corrected, even on a stint of HCG itself for 9,000 IU per week or 3,000 IU per week with TRT.

It might be corrected for you with clomid or HCG. Or might not.