Test/Tren Subjects and Caber/B6 Protocols:

Ok guys,

There are a few of us who are currently on, or getting ready to be on, a test/tren cycle for the summer.

I thought it would be good for all of us to get together on one thread and talk about our strategies for using caber and/or B6 as a preventive measure while on.

If you’re going to use it out of the gate, or only when you deem it necessary,(sides begin), either way, I would appreciate it if we could all post down what the plan is and how it goes accordingly.

This would be a big help to myself as I’m probably getting on board after most, and/or, other members currently contemplating the use of tren in an upcoming cycle.

I’m still undecided how I’m going to incorporate it, but am leaning towards running it alongside adex on cycle right out of the gate as a completely preventive measure, or running 100-300 mg of B6 with the adex first, and then save the caber for “as necessary”.

I don’t know the doseage of the caber I’ll use yet, as I’m waiting to see what responses we get, as well as currently researching the common doseages “out there”.

As you may or may not know, some of us have decided to try “brand X” for the caber. Cheap, somewhat vouched for, and available, thus the choice. There are suspicions of quality of product with the cheap price, that’s to be expected. So we should keep our guard up.

Let’s see what we can get out of this thread guys.



Are you guys gonna pull of a similar project like the short cycle a while back? Would be great if you reported stuff in a same thread like in that one.

[quote]HKDOOM wrote:
Are you guys gonna pull of a similar project like the short cycle a while back? Would be great if you reported stuff in a same thread like in that one. [/quote]

Funny you mention that, lol, I don’t know.

It isn’t planned like that, I just thought at least this particular and important subject could be talked about in a group of “guinea pigs” style setting and be really productive, but as far as the whole thing, well maybe, but that would be better served as a seperate thread for sure.

It was a good time though, fond memories, even though I got hit hard on that one, ha, haaa.

I’ll leave it up to the other guys. If not this one, it’s something to think about for the last half of summer for sure.


My doses for the summer cycle (test/tren/mast/tbol) are low 500/300/200/350 respectfully, so I don’t expect a lot of sides. To counter any sides I will use B-6 @ 500mg/day and Aromasin @ 6.25mg/day. If I experience any gyno I will begin caber @ .25mg/eod and double my dose of aromasin. Also on hand I have Adex, Letro and Nolv incase things get crazy, I hope not.

Running caber all the way through a cycle just in case is not a bad idea. Even if you don’t need it for gyno the sexual effects would make it worth it. The cost however would be limiting factor.

[quote]2thepain wrote:
My doses for the summer cycle (test/tren/mast/tbol) are low 500/300/200/350 respectfully, so I don’t expect a lot of sides. To counter any sides I will use B-6 @ 500mg/day and Aromasin @ 6.25mg/day. If I experience any gyno I will begin caber @ .25mg/eod and double my dose of aromasin. Also on hand I have Adex, Letro and Nolv incase things get crazy, I hope not.

Running caber all the way through a cycle just in case is not a bad idea. Even if you don’t need it for gyno the sexual effects would make it worth it. The cost however would be limiting factor.[/quote]

Great post buddy.

This is what I’m hoping for the thread.

So you’re going with 500mg B6 per day, that’s pretty high.
Looks like a great cycle 2the. I remember when I was running a lot of tbol, there seemed to be a lot of confusion as to exactly what class it was, I or II. It’s a great oral though, if you can tolerate the back pumps. At your dose that shouldn’t get too bad though as you know.

Still looking for other opinions on just what constitutes a “normal” dose for the caber when on. I’ll be running the caber throughout, after an initial two weeks of just adex and B6 at 300mg/day max. I have 15mg at 30 ml. That will provide 60 days of .25mg/day, or 120 doses @.25mg/eod.

And for the record, the pricing of “brand X”, was extremely low just for a very short spring sale. It is higher, but still low at the moment. And it has been vouched for by a nurse and another member as far as the quality of adex and several AI’s go, for what that’s worth.

           Looks really nice 2the. 

Thanks for the contribution. Hope we get a really good batch of feedback from the rest of the gang here.

I wish I could contribute more to this thread, as I feel like it’s made for me, but I’m such a newb when it comes to tren that I think I’ll be learning more than I’ll be offering.

I thought 2thepain’s B6 dosage seemed a bit high, too. What is your reasoning for that, my friend?

I plan on buying a couple of bottles of B6 today and starting at around 200mgs and just keeping it there for a while to see what happens. I have not bought caber, but have a quick and easy (and cheap) domestic source for bromocriptine which I have decided I will try this time around if (God forbid) I should need it. My tren dosage is only 350mgs a week, so I am hoping I won’t have any issues in the first place.

I have heard that bromo’s sides suck, but then I’ve heard that nolva’s and tren’s sides suck, too, and I haven’t had any problem with either of them so far.

Good thread, Tone. I’ll certainly be following it with interest.

Your thread got me interested and, after looking around, I’m thinking my proposed dosage of 200 might be too low. I may start between 250-300 and see what happens from there.

Caber sounds like a nice drug, though.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
I wish I could contribute more to this thread, as I feel like it’s made for me, but I’m such a newb when it comes to tren that I think I’ll be learning more than I’ll be offering.

I thought 2thepain’s B6 dosage seemed a bit high, too. What is your reasoning for that, my friend?

I plan on buying a couple of bottles of B6 today and starting at around 200mgs and just keeping it there for a while to see what happens. I have not bought caber, but have a quick and easy (and cheap) domestic source for bromocriptine which I have decided I will try this time around if (God forbid) I should need it. My tren dosage is only 350mgs a week, so I am hoping I won’t have any issues in the first place.

I have heard that bromo’s sides suck, but then I’ve heard that nolva’s and tren’s sides suck, too, and I haven’t had any problem with either of them so far.

Good thread, Tone. I’ll certainly be following it with interest. [/quote]

Hey you brute!

Yeah, I’ll run that B6 at 300 I figure too. The caber was too good to pass up imho. The sides from it are delightful too aren’t they, lol!! Ha, haa…but that’s nice though for sure. You’re dose is what I was going to try myself, but then I opted for a more conservative yet still asskicking 200/week instead. For a novice like myself, as you know, that is still a far cry from being “mild” compared to the other things I’ve done. With 400/week test enan, and I’m also going to go ahead and ditch the oral only run, and instead run a beauty of a class I in the guise of Primo at 100mg/day starting week 3 for at least 4 weeks. Should kick ass for me.

              Well, glad you're on the move already, and wish you only the best ride on this my friend.

        Thanks for chiming in, and do so often my good man. 


[quote]Cortes wrote:
I thought 2thepain’s B6 dosage seemed a bit high, too. What is your reasoning for that, my friend?


It is a very cheap sup and only useful for prolactin reduction if used in high doses. I did this amount before for my last cycle and experienced no neg sides from the B-6 usage. I believe that I also read a thread on here in which RJ says he used 480mg/day for his B-6 and had no problems. I figure that if this amount doesn’t cover my ass than caber will be a fall back plan.

I’ll probably do kickstart to a summer cycle using 150mg a week of Tren A for three weeks (what I have left) on top of Tren E at 150-200mg weekly for 5 weeks. Other gear used (in theory of course) will be 300mg of Test and 300mg of EQ.

My Tren doses are a lot smaller than most guys on this board but they give ME great results and after 4 weeks too many sides.

Basically I cant really contribute other than by saying I use low dose of Tren for a short period cause I feel I get all I need from that. Sides include some night sweats, restlessness, some aggression, but I dont fear gyno at all on those doses, so no Caber or B6 for me.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I don’t use anything with tren, except to control E through arimidex usage.

There is NO WAY I will run a high B6 protocol, and I can’t afford any caber, not that I deem it necessary anyway.


        What doses did you use in the past with the tren, and was there a preference for you amongst the two esters commonly used?

Also, do you think that any amount of B6 would be somewhat helpful? It seems that most guys claim that it will be of no value unless it is at least 4-5 times the rda of 100mg/day. Isn’t that strange? I’m not sure I get that whole mindset. If there is a valid mechanism at work there, wouldn’t it just be less but still effective to some degree at a more sane dosage?

   Really curious about the reasoning behind this.

                 Thanks BBB.


[quote]SwD wrote:
I’ll probably do kickstart to a summer cycle using 150mg a week of Tren A for three weeks (what I have left) on top of Tren E at 150-200mg weekly for 5 weeks. Other gear used (in theory of course) will be 300mg of Test and 300mg of EQ.

My Tren doses are a lot smaller than most guys on this board but they give ME great results and after 4 weeks too many sides.

Basically I cant really contribute other than by saying I use low dose of Tren for a short period cause I feel I get all I need from that. Sides include some night sweats, restlessness, some aggression, but I dont fear gyno at all on those doses, so no Caber or B6 for me.[/quote]

               Thanks SwD,

I am using a lower than common dose too, at 200/week with the test at 400/week. I have no doubt that it will impress me at this modest amount, and hopefully keep sides at a minimum also. What stood out for you about the gains you made on tren?
Good info.


I agree with this, Tone. I’d like to hear the reasoning for this, as well.

[quote]InTheZone wrote:

Also, do you think that any amount of B6 would be somewhat helpful? It seems that most guys claim that it will be of no value unless it is at least 4-5 times the rda of 100mg/day. Isn’t that strange? I’m not sure I get that whole mindset. If there is a valid mechanism at work there, wouldn’t it just be less but still effective to some degree at a more sane dosage?

   Really curious about the reasoning behind this.

                 Thanks BBB.


Gains on tren for me, eh?

Insane vascularity. I mean scary shit. We’re talking about in places I was unaware I could ever have it. Namely, triceps and chest while unflexed and unpumped.

Also, the strength gains were unbelieveable. I was setting PR squats just days after my first injection.

I was also using 50-75mg ED depending on how I felt…


[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Also, do you think that any amount of B6 would be somewhat helpful? It seems that most guys claim that it will be of no value unless it is at least 4-5 times the rda of 100mg/day. Isn’t that strange? I’m not sure I get that whole mindset. If there is a valid mechanism at work there, wouldn’t it just be less but still effective to some degree at a more sane dosage?

   Really curious about the reasoning behind this.

                 Thanks BBB.


Good point, I guess since I havn’t got gyno off of tren it is hard to say that B-6 isn’t effective but at the same time maybe I am not prone to prolactin induced gyno. I used B-6 off advice from other users who swear by it and at the time I couldn’t afford caber/bromo. I always keep E under control usually through adex which I’m sure helps but I am completely unaware of the exact mechanism by which B-6 is supposed to control prolactin levels.

As far as using an excessive amount of B-6, I have been advised against it and not heeded the warning. Perhaps I can now attempt to lower my dosing and seeing if I still get acceptable results. Unfortunately, this in itself would be a flawed comparison as my last cycle was 600mg/week and this cycle will only be 400mg/week.

“What stood out for you about the gains you made on tren?”

Gaining that much mass while cutting hard. I mean I have no appetite on Tren. I basically only eat (a lot of)protein powders, fish oil and veggies. Not much else - and I’m in the 25% of the human population that NEED carbs, so that’s not my usual way of eating at all.

Gaining 10+ pounds in 2 weeks while looking a lot leaner and hard, is something to behold!

I basically used Tren A to kickstart cycles. After 4 weeks I’m done. I’m usually 10-15 pounds heavier AND a lot leaner. I then decide if I maintain gains, cut or bulk with the rest of the cycle. The balls disappear on Tren yet come back while off Tren yet still on other gear.

Other point of note is that I can train a lot more on Tren. Sleep is often subpar yet you can push and push some more. That’s why I’d NEVER recommand that someone go off Tren cold turkey!

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Hig dose B6 has been shown to damage the basal ganglia. This damage may be reversible. However, forums I have read suggest that’s not always the case, and that if damage occurs (not all that rare), it’s not just silly high doses, but even 200mg/day can do it.

Further, those that did recover, tool about 18 months.

You know what disease is caused by damage to the basal ganglia? Parkinsons.

Now I am in no way saying you’ll get parkinsons from B6, BUT just trying to highlight the importance of this alien sounding anatomical structure to motor function.


I ended up trying it a little bit and I have to say that from my experience and the more I’ve read about it that I have decided to back off b-6.

World and SwD, those kind of results have got me super amped to run my first cycle. I gotta say that’s about perfect.

I am curious as to why you say don’t go cold turkey off tren though Swd. Did you mean off tren and stay on another compound for a week or two before killing the cycle completely? Or did you mean something else.