Test Taper PCT Update

[quote]buffd_samurai wrote:

Well, in my opinion, it is both gear+diet. One without the other = unsatisfying results.[quote]

Yeah, you’re right. Yours is better put. I meant gear plus crappy diet is a waste of time; whereas gear and proper diet is where you’ll get the results you’re looking for. True 'nuf.

[quote]buffd_samurai wrote:
5.0 wrote:

It’s been said time and time again: It’s not the gear, it’s the diet.

Well, in my opinion, it is both gear+diet. One without the other = unsatisfying results.

To Jake - I’d say those results are a little outside the norm. It’s important to have goals, but to want better than that is probably a bit unrealistic.

The addition of 100lbs to the core exercises would have me worried about ligament and tendon damage. Those don’t get stronger at the same rate as the muscles. When you find that out, it’s too late!

Excellent post 5.0. I think you’re spot on with respect to being concerned about the joints. [/quote]

Yes I admit, the joints were hurting a bit. I had to completely stop doing barbell shoulder press because my left elbow was killing me. Thankfully I could still do heavy dumbbell presses, so I would just stick to those.

Also, my knees took quite a hit. Anything over 400lbs while squatting wuold give me some trouble, so I would rarely go over 500 ever.

Sorry about possibly taking away from your very very excellent results news with all this talk about joints. The bottom line: you are yet another example of how the tapering method is working. Thankyou for your testimony; it helps guys like me who are contemplating using the taper for PCT. And once again, congratulations on some awesome gains man. 40 lbs. is simply incredible.

Now, it would be most interesting a few weeks out after you’ve taken your last shot to see how you’re still feeling and how much lean mass you still keep. I hope you will report back here on the boards after that time and be as gracious with your data as you have been here.

[quote]buffd_samurai wrote:
Sorry about possibly taking away from your very very excellent results news with all this talk about joints. The bottom line: you are yet another example of how the tapering method is working. Thankyou for your testimony; it helps guys like me who are contemplating using the taper for PCT. And once again, congratulations on some awesome gains man. 40 lbs. is simply incredible.

Now, it would be most interesting a few weeks out after you’ve taken your last shot to see how you’re still feeling and how much lean mass you still keep. I hope you will report back here on the boards after that time and be as gracious with your data as you have been here. [/quote]

Definately. I’ve got about 5 weeks left on this tapering and then I’ll be done until may when I start the dieting cycle for the show.

And no worries about the joint talk. I’ve been told by several people now that Deca would have been nice to add into the cycle and I can’t agree more. I would have liked to seen the weight I could push if my joints didn’t hurt so bad at times. I had to limit myself several times just so I could do the exercise without some crazy pain involved.