Would this protocol work if you where using EQ with Test Enan. or EQ by itself? When would you start adding something (test prop or enan.) when using the longer acting esters? Since Test Enan. takes 3 weeks to clear would a good time to start be week 3?
For instance would this be effective?:
wk 1 Test Enan. 1000mg frontload, .5mg Adex ED
Wk 2-10 Test Enan. 500mg, .5mg Adex EOD
WK 11-12: .5mg Adex EOD
begin PCT:
wk 12: use the esters to taper
wk 13: Prop 25mg EOD, .25 Adex EOD
Wk 14: prop 25mg E3D, .25 Adex EOD
Wk 15: prop 10mg E3D, .25 Adex EOD
I’m sorry for all the stupid questions, I understand the theory behind the test taper but I’m not very sure how to set one up, especially with longer acting esters. Thanks for taking the time to give me some advice. I think this is one of the most logical/safe idea’s for a PCT I have ever read. I want to use it with my 1st cycle and post my results as well, but I want to be sure I get it right!
[quote]Prisoner#22 wrote:
gettinbigger wrote:
If I ran test Enan. for 10 weeks, could I use the natural longer half-life to taper me off it? Or would it be better to wait a few weeks for the esters to reduce the amount of test and then use some prop. as per the above protocol?
You should supplement a little something during that time period of 4 weeks irregardless.
If you use prop, use 100mg devided into 3 injections
If you use enanthate use 100mg per week, or 50mg biweekly.
after 4 weeks, gradually reducing your weekly dose. This may take another 4 weeks to get it to zero, or longer, but the thing you have to realize is during that time, since your weekly administration of testosterone is below physiological levels, your body will consider it’self ‘off’ cycle. You can count this time as your time off cycle, as well, your body is slowly adjusting itself to the lower levels of test in your body, and begining to pick produce more testosterone itself,as you inject less.
As long as you were Eugonadic before you began your cycle (didn’t have an underlying problem with your hpta), this protocol works better then any other.
ie. maxiumum gains kept
no loss of sex drive
no mood swings
testicular size returns to normal
minimized changes - i.e. acne
no rebound gyno
better gains on your next cycle.[/quote]