[quote]bigdawg011 wrote:
Jason, it sounds like you are burned out. Join the club. You’re stressed. We all do have stress, and if we don’t support our bodies, the stress will do us in.
Regarding your workouts, have you taken a week or so off recently?
Regarding your thyroid, if the doctor did not test everything I listed, he was not thorough (which is typical). Would you mind posting your results?
You will have to advocate for yourself to get help. Don’t let a lazy doctor get between you and what you need.
Were you doing Starting Strength, by any chance? If you have not progressed, you need to take a little break, then change your routine. Sounds like your body has adapted and is no longer stimulated by your workouts.
However, if your adrenals and thyroid are burned out, that is an underlying problem.
What I have done to help myself in this area:
- Drink 16oz water with 1/2tsp sea salt as soon as I get up
- Take Ester-C vitamin 1000mg twice a day
- Get myself off of coffee and onto green tea
- Eat enough, and eat healthy
- Take a break when I need it, even if just some relaxing breathing during the work day
- Get on TRT
- Get my thyroid thoroughly checked out, now I’m on Armour Thyroid because TSH was not optimal (too high), total T4 and T3 were both low, and thyroid antibodies were found.
Will your doctor test cortisol and ACTH stimulation?
You might want to read up on Adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, at least just to get educated and help you determine what might be going on in you.
If there are stressors you can remove, remove them.
If you have any questions, ask. I hope this was helpful to you. I’m speaking from my own experience.[/quote]
Wow. Thanks for the info.
Yes, I just took 10 days off from working out. Started back this past Monday.
Yes, I started out doing Starting Strength. I’ve done HST, 5x5, and a 4 day body part split since. Currently I am doing a Texas Method program. Mondays - Front Squats, Bench, Rows (Volume Day). Wednesdays - Front Squats (80% of Monday), OH press, deads. Fridays - Bench, Front Squats (Intensity Day), Chins, Dips. I do this for about 4-6 weeks and take a week off depending on how over-reaching I am. I am usually pretty good at noticing when I need to take a break or lower intensity.
I just usually feel worn out. Not sleepy but my body is tired. It’s the same feeling of not being fully recovered from a workout. But that’s not the case because I feel that way from week 1 when volume and intensity is low.
I’ll see about getting the results back and I’ll post them if I can. Not sure if the doctor will test for cortisol and ACTH stimulation?
I obviously have a lot of learning.
EDIT: I just read some symptoms of adrenal fatigue and a lot of them sound like me. If you have this problem would it inhibit Testosterone?