First off, a little background info on myself.
-age 31
-height 5’11"
-waist 32"
-weight 160
-describe body and facial hair: average facial hair, shave everyday but it’s not all that thick. Normal hair on arms and legs, below average on chest/stomach
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: I have a fairly skinny/athletic body type. Body fat before I started working out was just over 14%, carried mostly in the stomach area
-health conditions, symptoms: My main symptoms are irritability and decreased moods. I also feel like I have trouble concentrating at times and my brain feels like it’s running slow at times - I guess that’s what people here refer to as “brain fog.”
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever: No Rx drugs. I take a multivitamin and fish oil
-lab results with ranges: See below
-describe diet: My diet is very clean since I started getting into nutrition over a year ago. Right now I shoot for around 3000 calories a day as I’m trying to gain mass. I’ve always had trouble putting on weight and muscle mass.
-describe training: Currently workouts are short but intense. Typically around 40 minutes, 5-6x a week
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? No issues here
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: Occasional morning wood. Not near as much as I used to but I’m not thinking about getting laid 24/7 like I was when I was 18! No troubles getting an erection when needed.
I went to get tested for the first time this week and just received my results. I ordered a basic hormone panel from Life Extension as cost is a concern for me. I have insurance but it’s a high deductable plan so I pay 100% until I get up to a few grand.
So here are my results:
Test, Serum 166 (348-1197) Flagged as low
Free Test(Direct) 3.3 (8.7-25.1) Flagged as low
DHEA Sulfate 383.4 (160-449)
Estradiol <6.0 (7.6-42.6) Flagged as low
PSA, Serum 0.6 (0-4.0)
My plan is to call a local compounding pharmacy and get a recommendation for a doc (Kansas City area). What are the most cost effective treatments? From what I’ve read it seems injections are more effective than gels. Again, cost is a factor, but I am willing to spend some money to feel better.