Went to the doc last week as I haven’t been seeing results in body comp that I expected, feeling some fatigue, plus I was due for a physical. Got my results today. Total test was 283.7 out of a range of 400 - 1080.
I suspected low T before I went in, so I requested that they test free T and estradiol too. The doc was shaking his head before I even finished the question. He basically said there is no medical reason to test for either as I am young (37) and, unless I was taking supplemental estrogen, my estradiol should be fine. When I asked him to test that, he said “What… you mean estrogen?”. (Yeah I know, I am already looking for another doctor.)
He told me today (via the nurse) that I should come in to test FSH, prolactin and LH. I just got back from that and should have the results this week. Next step: MRI of pituitary.
Provided they don’t find something else, I appear to be a candidate for TRT… although I’ll be damned if I’d let this asshole oversee it. So what do I do? Ask to be referred to an endo? The only docs specializing in HRT in my area that I can find are ND’s and don’t accept insurance. While I won’t rule them out, I am having a hell of a time even finding a doctor (online) that might be receptive to doing HRT the right way.
Also, I am thinking of ordering a test from lef.org that will test E2, free T and progesterone. Anything else I should look at while I am at it?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.