Hey guys,
I thought I’d make a thread to give some insight into what
a 1st time user of Test Prop can expect in terms of results, sides etc. Of course they will not be universal across the board, but I figure my results/sides are typical.
Additionally, I’d like to thank everyone that has
contributed to the numerous threads I have made regarding getting my gear, planning my cycle and problems (including infection) that occurred during my cycle. Especially those who have helped build the steroid newbie thread.
My cycle was:
500mg of Test Prop a week, injected EOD.
Originally I had planned it for 8 weeks, but I have stopped at 6 weeks. Originally I was taking 50mg of Proviron daily, but I dropped this after 2 weeks. I just finished my cycle today (start PCT soon.
Diet/Training: Consumed 6-8 meals a day, high protein, medium fat, medium carbs. Only supplement used was Dymatize Elite protein. Had SOME bad days in terms of diet. Was drinking 2-3L of water a day. Training from 4-6 days a week depending on how I felt. Based on the compounds (Squat, Deadlift, Benchpress, Military Press) with some isolation work.
Results: Total weight gain was 20.2lbs in 6 weeks. I’m very happy with this outcome. The results are very visible, clothes are a lot tighter, all measurements are up, bodyfat% is pretty much the same. Stregth gains were all impressive during the first 2 weeks, after that, strength gains seem to slow down, but muscle gains do not. Endurance is much higher.
Injecting EOD is a bit annoying, rotating sites is awesome, expect some stiffness/pain the next day or 2 with prop injections, but its not too bad, probably the worst the 1st time you inject each muscle group. I used the Glute, Ventro-Glute and Shoulders without problems. I used quads twice, I do not advise quad injection, one it is painful and two it is very sore the next day. My quad was also infected about 4 weeks into the cycle, probably due to poor injection technique, 3 days of antibiotics solved the problem.
Sides: ACNE. My back is covered in acne, besides having 2 showers a day. Although I am prone to acne anyway. My face was fine, other than some mild acne here and there, but nothing noticeable (thank god.)
TESTICULAR SHRINKAGE: My balls have shrank a fair bit.
HAIR GROWTH: I have single, long hairs on my back. They seem longer and there seem to be more of them. Facial hair was also growing back a lot quicker. More, longer hairs also on forearms.
WATER RETENTION: While my muscle aren’t too bad, my face has really bloated up. My face looks quite puffy.
LIBIDO: While on cycle, initially the 1st 2 weeks, I did not notice much of a difference. If anything, was less interested in sex. HOWEVER from that point on, mate, I was sex-crazed. You just want to have sex, again and again and again. Remained functional throughout the duration of the cycle.
My next cycle shall be Deca/Test E probably towards June.
Will be asking for advice on planning etc pretty soon!