Hello T-Nation.
I have now made up my mind about doing gear. Through the last year i have read alot about juice and how to do things right. I have a good diet and workoutplan (bought a personalized meal/workoutplan) from a very known and proffessional coach in my country. I have tried his programs before, and it really works great. Im 22 years old, and been lifting for 5 years.
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 185 pounds
Cycle looks like this:
bloodwork before starting the cycle
w 1-6 test prop 100 mg EOD
w 1-6 aromasin 6.25/12.5 mg ED/EOD
PCT 3 days after last injection:
W 6-10 Nolvadex ED 40/20/10 (enough with 3 weeks at this dosage or change?)
Vitamin D
I supplement with daa and vitamin d, since ive heard it helps in recovery.
Now, say for a general question… is this an ok cycle for a newbie? would you rather add arimidex in the cycle and maybe swap the aromasin into pct, since it goes better with the nolva? will it be neccessary with hcg? or as a replacement, hcgenerate (if its possible to get it through borders/customs to norway). tell me if you mean this cycle is too short, if i rather should go for a 8 week.
Let me know some good tips, criticism or thumbs up!
As long as you can deal with the PIP from prop it seems fine to me. Most will say prop isnt the best route for a newb just due to pip and frequency of pins but my first cycle was prop and i loved it.
[quote]nooberific wrote:
As long as you can deal with the PIP from prop it seems fine to me. Most will say prop isnt the best route for a newb just due to pip and frequency of pins but my first cycle was prop and i loved it. [/quote]
Ok i see. What could be a replacement for the prop? I want to stick with shortestered steroids/short halflife, to minimize the damage/sides to the body and get it out of the body quick.
[quote]Igs wrote:
I think your dosage is too low. You will be shutdown in 6 weeks no matter how little you use. 350mg/w is too low of a gain considering the shutdown.
Might as well go for 150mg eod or even 200mg eod to get most bang out of those weeks.
Use 100mg/ml prop, not 200mg/ml, or it will cripple you for a week.[/quote]
Ah okey, but just to mention, it will be 4 pins everey week so it will be 400 mg/w i think. but still, you think thats too low, even for a beginner? You suggest a bump up to 150 mg EOD?