- 26 yrs old
- 5’10
- 99kg (10% - 12%)
- have been training for 10 yrs (3 serious)
- competed naturally (won my division)
- nutrition: 320g pro 350g carbs 90g fats per day / do cycle macros. protein with every meal, greens with most meals, high fibre slow acting carbs, good clean sources of fats. 1 to 2 cheat meals a week.
- train 2 days on 1 off 2 days on 2 off. no cardio
- deadlift 210kg x 5 / squat 160kg x 8 / bench 120kg x 8
- 2nd cycle (first was test e, dianabol, anavar + arimidex and PCT)
- goals: get shredded
test p weeks 1-12 (150mg EOD)
stanazolol weeks 1-6(50mg EOD)
masteron weeks 4-12 (100mg EOD)
HCG weeks 1-12 (250iu E3D)
GHRP-6 duration of cycle + PCT + maybe forever… 100mcg 3 x ED
aromasin 12.5mg ED
nolva 3-5 days after last injection 40/40/20/20/10
aromasin 12.5mg ED for 5 weeks
regular blood work will be done.
will 12.5mg aromasin and nolva suffice for PCT?
thinking about doing 16 weeks of test prop instead of 12, would that be crazy talk?
I am looking at doing a stasis period straight after the cycle with test p. anyone have any experience with this?
cheers for your help =)
I would be weary of running Asin at 12.5 mg ED. That sounds like a high amount, for the small amount of aromatizable AAS you are running. Combined with the winny, it could wreak havoc on your joints. Be aware of this and adjust if needed.
I don’t know enough to really weigh in, but what you have planned seems reasonable. I’m thinking of running test/mast pretty soon, and I’m curious why you are waiting till week 4 to shoot mast? Want the test to kick first?
Thanks. Avi looks good btw.
Thanks for the concern about the asin, im pretty gyno prone so I just want to keep it under check so I will definitely be adjusting accordingly.
As for waiting four weeks for the mast I just wanted to get my body fat levels down before starting. On that note I have been considering running the mast for the entire duration of the cycle. Some in-put from vets on this would be nice. I have heard of people running mast for 20 week cycles…
I also forgot to mention that I will be running clen and T3 for the cycle as well.
Any advice on a 16 week cycle?
16 week cycles are not too uncommon with longer esters but I haven’t heard of many people running that long with prop. I’m not sure how much more you will gain during the extra 4 weeks and it will make coming off more difficult. It’s up to you though. Usually at 12 weeks, I am satisfied with my gains and am ready to come off
[quote]bugeishaAD wrote:
I don’t know enough to really weigh in, but what you have planned seems reasonable. I’m thinking of running test/mast pretty soon, and I’m curious why you are waiting till week 4 to shoot mast? Want the test to kick first?
Thanks. Avi looks good btw.
man you’ve already got one hell of a physique, be interested to see how it works out for you