Test only to regain some muscle

Two things have recently converged to provide me with a lot of test. I have been on TRT for over a decade. Usually take like 80mg/week, but I did up that to 100mg/week while I cut down from 235 to 190. That happened over about 3 months and I was worried about losing too much muscle. Not that I had a ton to start with.

My insurance recently changed and I had to get a new PCP. She wants me to switch to Jatenzo (which I am getting for free). At the same time, my new insurance shipped me 3 months of cypionate and I have another 3 months worth that I could go pick up today from CVS for $70 out of pocket (prescribed by my previous PCP). I’m going to switch to the Jatenzo for 8 weeks and then do blood work to see how it goes. After that, I won’t have to do blood work for at least 6 months to year. I was thinking about trying to add some muscle back rather quickly after the 8 weeks on Jatenzo. Is there a decent, relatively safe way to go about using all this test to accomplish that? I’m already bald and snipped, so neither of those is a concern. My BP is well controlled on meds. Cholesterol is a bit high, but the HDL to LDL ration is good.

I’ve attached my labs from a couple of weeks ago (when I was still taking 100mg/week). As a side note, I use a 25g 5/8" needle to inject into my thighs. Seems to be working.

How fast you put on muscle tissue no matter what your taking all comes down to genetics.
One thing you will need to be careful with is your PCP bloodwork intervals. Your numbers are already elevated and will take a few weeks to settle backdown once you go back to 80mg/wk. Doc may not like your numbers at 100mg and they may reduce your dose.
If the cyp is working and you/your doc are happy why switch? If you can keep getting 3mos for $70 that’s dirt cheap.
If you want to try to circumnavigate the bloodwork interval issues give us a timeline for your plans and blood work check ins.

Thanks for responding.

I will start the Jatenzo this weekend, then have bloodwork in 8 weeks. Assuming things are normal at that point, I don’t have to do bloodwork again for at least 6 months. So I would have about 5 good months to work with, leaving me a month before my next bloodwork.

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Perfect. If you do this fire this thread back up and we can guide you.

Yeah, take testosterone. Dose whatever you think you need to hit your goals. Assuming you have everything else dialed in, pretty standard cycle/blast.