I’m not sure one size fits all as some have eluded to here which is why I was seeking alternate opinions and found the article to be somewhat useful. My mens clinic who I’m wating to get into again, was extremely helpful and my first impression was that this was a medical doctor who specializes in TRT and purports to be fighting with the NHS / the governing body regarding Endocrinologist protocols. Which I believe everyone here is doing as well to some degree. And frankly why many people come here to this board / forum because they have received bad Endocrin / GP guidance and need help. So although I understand the points that have been made, it’s difficult for me to understand why a medical doctor would drive protocols that seem to work very well for his patients versus simply putting them on 2x / week. He could market his clinic as being different and better in some regard but would there not be more harm done to a patient from having to pin every single day? It’s just hard to believe there is bad intent in this article. But I leave it to the experts here in this forum to disagree and provide opinions. That’s exactly what I’m here for and what I posted the article for.
My story goes like this. I was dialed in on 2x / week (90mg total) cypionate IM but after the disaster protocols with the Endocrin it took the men’s clinic some time to get it right because of the clinical depression, and anxiety I was experiencing from Benzodiazepine (prescribed) protracted withdrawal… which took me 7 years (3 of those in bed) to recover from. Subsequently TRT got me back on my feet, back into life, out of clinical depression, and back to work (I’m 50 now and was 40 when this all started). A miracle to say the least.
Last year at some point I started having ED, pronounced anxiety, and some rage type feelings I remembered experiencing very early in my TRT trials. I had bloodwork done in July and my levels looked high including E2. So finally had enough and the beginning of December 2024 I decided to try E3D at 40mg. That was too high of a dosage as I had made an error in my calculation… and this switch to E3D from twice a week and with the higher dosage made things worse. Then a couple of weeks ago my GP told me I should just reduce my dosage to 35mg E3D which I did for one week and things got even worse, major depression, morning panic / anxiety all day. It’s not all in my head because I can “feel” the changes and I had a ton of lethargy last week at 35mg. So I pinned Monday / yesterday, another 35mg, I had forgotten that today was my pin day and not yesterday. But I felt much (much) better than the past 6 weeks just from that Monday pin. So I’m confused and not sure if I’m a strange / sensitive case because of the protracted withdrawal I went through, my nervous system is somehow compromised still, or what but I’m trying to find some justification to go every other day or at least MWF… as again, I’ve actually felt the difference with an EOD pin; I had way more energy yesterday and today, I didn’t feel nearly as depressed as I have, and my anxiety has reduced significantly. I can’t explain it if everyone is telling me that it doesn’t matter… so I’m a little lost here.
My basic blood work below:
Jan 10, 2025
Estradiol - 145 pmol / l (Range <162)
Testosterone - 37.2 nmol / l (Range 8.4 - 28.8)
Free Testosterone - 715 pmol / l (Range 179 - 475)
Jul 13 2024
Estradiol - 133 pmol / l (Range <162)
Testosterone - 33.2 nmol / l (Range 8.4 - 28.8)
Free Testosterone - 690 pmol / l (Range 179 - 475)
Dec 9 2023
Estradiol - 80 pmol / l (don’t remember why it came down so much)
Testosterone - 39.9 nmol / l
Free Testosterone - 878 pmol / l
Jul 8 2023
Estradiol - 113 pmol / l
Testosterone - 33.1 nmol / l
Free Testosterone - 648 pmol / l
Jan 24 2023
Estradiol - 130 pmol / l
Testosterone - 35.1 nmol / l
Free Testosterone - 738 pmol / l