Test/E2 Bloods Results

Hi guys,

Just got bloods for total test and e2 back (the rest of them will be back next week) and I have no idea if they’re good or bad or not.

Test: 1095.996 ng/dL
E2: 59 pg/mL

I have been cruising on 200mg of test e per week for the last 5 months along with 200mg HCG and 0.5mg arimidex every 3 days.

Is my E2 too high? and does 1095 ng/dl of test compare to taking 200mg of test e per week? or is my test e low dosed?


Are you feeling good, happy with your results so far?

thanks for the reply

feeling good, except for small bit of puffiness(no lumps) in both nips. I just want to make sure everything is all good before I start a new cycle. do you think I should cut down on the E2 before starting a 15 week test/tren/oxy kick-start cycle? or am i good to good

also curious if test sitting around 1095.996 ng/dL is a decent level for trt in the future?

Triple that AI dosage. Real men don’t have any estradiol left…

K for real, If you feel good then leave it alone. There are people with higher e2 and no AI that feel fine as well. E2 values seem to matter less than the ratio of Toral T to e2. Something like 15-20:1 which is about where you’re at.

Mine was 1500 TT and 73 e2, no e2 issues


sounds good man, thanks for that.

out of curiosity, what test dosage got you to 1500 TT? and is that where you sit at on trt?

I was using cream back then, 150mg a day. I maxed out the type of total T test the doc ran, haha. So I was really over 1500

I switched back to basically 200mg/week injections so I’m sure I’m lower now than I was then. Haven’t had any tests yet

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@darego, this^

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