if you spent ten seconds reading some of the other threads on the forum, you’d realise that you should be taking your AI from the start. .5mg eod should suffice
Running the same cycle 500mg test-e and 50mg a day winny, but only half the time for quick recovery since no shut down still, and to see in general how well it works before I get more. Just hit week 3 and you’ll notice results in a couple weeks for sure, god damn, veins in biceps, an inch added to arms since measuring 2 weeks ago, veins in lower abs and more v-shape, and a cleaner more filled look, only a week left and hopefully get my nolva soon lol. arimidex optional but wish you luck on cycle! gonna be a fun time man lol keeping it simple.
[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
Running the same cycle 500mg test-e and 50mg a day winny, but only half the time for quick recovery since no shut down still, and to see in general how well it works before I get more. Just hit week 3 and you’ll notice results in a couple weeks for sure, god damn, veins in biceps, an inch added to arms since measuring 2 weeks ago, veins in lower abs and more v-shape, and a cleaner more filled look, only a week left and hopefully get my nolva soon lol. arimidex optional but wish you luck on cycle! gonna be a fun time man lol keeping it simple.[/quote]
Please don’t give advice!
Arimidex is not considered optional.
Never start a cycle without ALL of your ancillaries.
3)And for fuck sake you can and will shutdown from a few weeks of test.
[quote]hp1836 wrote:
hi all. looking for some help with first cycle of test E/Winny. im thinking about doing it like this.
my stats first
5ft 10in
around around 195 lbs with a 12% bf
diet and training all spot on.
week 1-4 250 mgs test E sunday and wednesday. 500mgs weekly
week 5-8 250 mgs test E sunday and wednesday. 500mgs weekly
50 mg winny daily
week 9-10 50 mgs winny daily
week 11 clomid 50 md daily
week 12-13 clomid 25 mgs daily
week 14 clomid 12.5 mg daily
I also Have Adex on hand if needed I will take 1mg daily
any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated[/quote]
In my opinion. First cycle. Drop the winny. Run your cycle longer. 12 weeks test @ 500/wk. You’ll see great gains. Run your Adex through the whole cycle. Start with .5 EOD. That’s a pretty standard dosage and works well for most. You can adjust as needed but likely won’t need to. I prefer Nolva for PCT. Remember to run your AI (arimidex in this case) for the two weeks after your last test dose. I will taper it down into my PCT as the test is clearing.
[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
Running the same cycle 500mg test-e and 50mg a day winny, but only half the time for quick recovery since no shut down still, and to see in general how well it works before I get more. Just hit week 3 and you’ll notice results in a couple weeks for sure, god damn, veins in biceps, an inch added to arms since measuring 2 weeks ago, veins in lower abs and more v-shape, and a cleaner more filled look, only a week left and hopefully get my nolva soon lol. arimidex optional but wish you luck on cycle! gonna be a fun time man lol keeping it simple.[/quote]
[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
Running the same cycle 500mg test-e and 50mg a day winny, but only half the time for quick recovery since no shut down still, and to see in general how well it works before I get more. Just hit week 3 and you’ll notice results in a couple weeks for sure, god damn, veins in biceps, an inch added to arms since measuring 2 weeks ago, veins in lower abs and more v-shape, and a cleaner more filled look, only a week left and hopefully get my nolva soon lol. arimidex optional but wish you luck on cycle! gonna be a fun time man lol keeping it simple.[/quote]
Get the fuck outta here, what if some poor guy follows your shitty advice and fucks himself up? I’m all for you fucking yourself up but dont give bad advice to others.
lol arimidex in the million posts have only been recommended if you start seeing signs of high estrogen…I haven’t bloated, joints fine, hell no for gyno symptoms…and doesnt arimidex raise your lipid profile? if its just that dose of test and winny I would would prefer to not for my short cycle…his 12 weeks sure. I was mostly just saying goodluck to begin with lool, he wanted an opinion and had 1 post in 4 days flamers torching this thread trolol
[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
lol arimidex in the million posts have only been recommended if you start seeing signs of high estrogen…I haven’t bloated, joints fine, hell no for gyno symptoms…and doesnt arimidex raise your lipid profile? if its just that dose of test and winny I would would prefer to not for my short cycle…his 12 weeks sure. I was mostly just saying goodluck to begin with lool, he wanted an opinion and had 1 post in 4 days flamers torching this thread trolol[/quote]
If you believe that in a million posts that you only see in a few that adex should only be used without gyno symptoms you are lying to yourself or haven’t read at all. I can’t think of any of the long term guys on here that don’t/wouldn’t recommend adex from the beginning. You have had about 10 posts on this forum. You know shit about AAS and are currently running an awful cycle. I said please and told you why you shouldn’t be advising people, in a relatively nice way I might add. Now I will say SHUT THE FUCK UP! You don’t shit about AAS and have no business giving advice that could permanently damage someone. If you want fuck up your own body against the advice of people here, so be it. Take 2 grams of test a week and no AI. I don’t give a shit. Let natural selection work before you breed. BUT DON’T ADVISE WHEN YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!
there are posts almost every single day here about 1) gyno and 2) a jacked up PCT. proper estrogen management on cycle can minimize issues with either one of those things…
lol this is jokes to read. did I say dont take arimidex when your on 2g a week lmfao its 500mg test-e and even said if it’s that long sure its ideal for some…any more test or any actual stacks besides winstrol added then fucking obviously take it, common sense roid raging is becoming real here lol and the rage is fueling my laughter xD I’m a certified dumbass, I think I know what I’m talking about bros. do you guys even lift.
lol and ever heard of short cycles 2-3 weeks test prop etc bill roberts I prefer that style over 12 weeks small testes and no production when I come off, so yes go your months shut down, I wasnt giving any actual advice just my opinion. calm your gyno tits damnit peeps
[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
I think I know what I’m talking about bros. [/quote]
You don’t. At first I wasn’t trying to be rude but you have no clue what you are talking about. What you are doing in your “cycle” is absurd and there isn’t one person here that supported it. When you give your opinion on a board like this it really is giving advice.
Let me give you something to compare this to. Lets say you went on a car repair forum and said “Hey guys I think I’d like to take the front brakes off my car because less weight will make it faster.” You are then told by everyone that it’s a bad idea. Of course you are young and dumb and stubborn so you come back with well I like the idea so I’m going to do it anyway. You then see a result even though getting that result is dangerous you start telling others to do the same. You shouldn’t have taken your brakes off and neither should anyone else. STOP ADVISING! If you really want to be here thats great you can learn a lot. If you want to give people bad advice then please go to bb.com
[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
lol and ever heard of short cycles 2-3 weeks test prop etc bill roberts I prefer that style over 12 weeks small testes and no production when I come off, so yes go your months shut down, I wasnt giving any actual advice just my opinion. calm your gyno tits damnit peeps[/quote]
Dude, how many different accounts have you created?