Had my first cycle of Test-C for 4 months ago.
Ran 400mg’s EW for 10 weeks and went from 70kg to 85kg and stayed on 83kg after the cycle.
Thinking about a new cycle now, consisting with:
Got my hands on enough TestE for 10 weeks with 500mg’s per week.
I got Winstrol and Turanabol on hand.
50 Tablets of Winstrol, they are dosed on 50mg per tab (Euro-Pharma), and I got 100 tablets of Turanabol, They are dosed on 10mg per tab (Euro-Pharma).
So here’s my question:
Should I stack the orals and use them from week 4-10?
This might be TOTALY off, but here’s how I imagined:
Test E - 500mg’s for 10 weeks. (250mg monday, 250 thursday)
Turanabol - 30mg ED 4-10
Winstrol - 25mg ED week 4-10
My goals for this cycle is mainly strenght, and getting more defined.
Im already puffed up, so Im gonna be dieting on this cycle, considering Im weighing 83kg’s on 167cms (9% BF)
Testosterone worked very well for me last time, so I thought I should give it another try.
The reason I wrote Win/Turanabol is that I got both.
Is it wise to use both at the same time?
My body reacts best on low reps, all the way down to 4-5.
Last cycle I only did 3-4 reps on the bench, deads and squats, triceps/biceps etc I did 8-10 reps and before that cycle my BF was 15%, and it went down to 9% even tho I ate alot and used low reps.
My friends thought I used Ephedrine and clen to do that, but the only compound I used was Testosterone Cypionate 400mg’s per week.
Age: 20
Height: 167cm
Weight: 82.8kg in the morning
Arms: 41cm
BF: 9%
where is the f’n hcg my man?? gonna give you a heads up, always get hcg first before you get anything else. run it after week 2, about 300iu per week every 4 or 5 days.
your cycle looks ok, id recommend you run 750 mg test per week since its your 2nd cycle…
i myself love winny, havent run my tbol yet but i got 300 tabs waiting for me… you prolly should run 50mg of each per day…
pct would be better running 150mg clomid a day along with the nolv.
also you should run it about 14 weeks, you get more out of the gear and that is when it starts to flat line as far as effect (imo ).
HCG and Clomid is something my dealer can’t get, it pisses me off, but it won’t stop me from cycling, Nolva will do it’s job… I hope.
So it is no problem running 50mg with win and 50mg with tbol?
Im thinking on the stress it will bring on the liver.
I haven’t tried any tablets yet so thats why Im asking.
and about the test,
I got my hands on some TestE 350mg per ML, but my worries is that if I run 700-750mg per week Im gonna bulk up, and thats not my goal, so I think Ill run it with either 600mg or 650mg at max.
your wasting it mate to early to start cycling should have gone to your limits with supplements and got to the biggest u can with out it then hit the gear, gains would come better and you would be alot bigger, just relying on it. easy way out WEAK!!
I wouldn’t say you’re wasting the cycles. A 13 kg net gain is a big gain. I don’t know about the OT though. I’d say just stick to the winny. 50 mg ed would be fine. 50 mg of a mild anabolic like OT probably won’t add much to that. Trenbolone and masteron are great strength and cutting drugs too. Something to consider. The trend right now is lowish test doses (around the trt dose but maybe slightly higher) with moderate tren use. Most people see less sides that way with all the effects on strength and cutting.
Well I’ve been training since I was 15, but from 15-16 it was unserious training (only upper body if you know what I mean, newbie trainingprograms.), but from 16-20(now) I’ve had very serious training with good diet and sleep and Im quite satisfied with what I’ve achieved, considering my lifts so far.
Ok, so OT would be wasted if I use it together with win?
Since my goal with this cycle is to get stronger, so I thought using winstrol and turanabol together would make a good mix.
What about running sust 250? then hitting tren towards the end of you cycle while make you look a lot harder and lean you out more as well, and making sure estrogen levels are low always gets ride of the hard to get ride of stored fat, was not really having a go i play rugby at a high level,Hgh is the winner for me hold around 92-95kg at 8-9% body fat and at 1.82cm, just remember the recovery side of things is the big part which all those do to, and your eating is the main factor and obviously training properly for strength gains,since there so man diff ways out there but if your not gonna be doing any cardio etc then gonna be a lot easier as well.
There is nothing wrong with OT. Gains are solid but mild and slow to accumulate. It wouldn’t be worthless but wouldn’t pop a lot either when compared to the other AAS in your stack. Maybe a little extra strength. I think you should just save it for another cycle.
I like the idea of tren at the end of the cycle as outlined by wolfsbauer. Test and winny at the beginning and then switch to test and tren. The winny (50 mg ed) will get you going and help with strength and cutting and then tren will take it even further.
I don’t think you need hgh though. And definitely do some sort of cardio/conditioning. Helps your goal and keeps you healthier too.
All AAS will shut you down. On cycle, your natty test production will be shit. A simplified summary is this: The body senses the exogenous androgens and has no need to continue production until you stop taking them and let your androgen levels fall. That’s where PCT comes in, helping to jumpstart the signals from the brain to restart testicular hormone production. There’s a ton of info on that on this site. Search for “HPTA shutdown” and “Post Cycle Therapy.” That will give you the details
That’s why I am experimenting, I’ve only been reading about the compounds I was gonna use, I never had in mind to use Tren, since I got it yesterday, but thought over it and test worked very good on my so I sold it to a guy at the gym.
Too young, hah… The people who is on the top of BB, PWL, Fitness started using gear way before 18, or your “minimum age of 25” and you can look how successful they are, but I don’t want this to turn into a discussion.
I just want some advice.
Read through those, but I just didn’t think of them when I were writing that about tren.
[quote]triplh wrote:
That’s why I am experimenting, I’ve only been reading about the compounds I was gonna use, I never had in mind to use Tren, since I got it yesterday, but thought over it and test worked very good on my so I sold it to a guy at the gym.
Too young, hah… The people who is on the top of BB, PWL, Fitness started using gear way before 18, or your “minimum age of 25” and you can look how successful they are, but I don’t want this to turn into a discussion.
I just want some advice.
Read through those, but I just didn’t think of them when I were writing that about tren.
The problem is the COMBINATION of your age and your knowledge level. Either one alone isnt nearly as bad. You’d change my mind if you could explain why a 20 year old with minimal understanding of this stuff is a good candidate for productive use of AAS, I’d be impressed.
Dont feel the need to answer that. Im not trying to start an argument with you. But before you say some crazy shit, like what you said about tren, it’d be a good idea to research the thought you have to make sure its not completely retarded.
Dont feel the need to answer that. Im not trying to start an argument with you. But before you say some crazy shit, like what you said about tren, it’d be a good idea to research the thought you have to make sure its not completely retarded. [/quote]
THIS!.. Also I’ve been out awhile. It’s good to see Bonez is still policing the forum. As for the OP. Please realize that these are real hormones, and educating yourself on what you put in your body will certainly earn you more merit, and advice than will guessing and pinning. The internet is a great source for info, it’s out there. This sight is one of the best for real info, again the info is here… read it, educate yourself on what’s going in your body.