I am purposing a theory here.
I have never seen test or any other estered hormone being labeled or sold as International Units only Milligrams. I only see HCG, HGH and insulin being sold as IUs or international units but some packages also include the MG weight. I see peptides being sold as both IUs and MGs. So I am betting that the UGL that made those also sells peptides or HCG, HGH ect. So as a way to keep things uniform they are labeling it with MGs and IUs or at least I think that is what they are trying to do because I don’t know what other units they would be talking about. The difference between 100 and 300 I bet is just a typo or they miss calculated one and then corrected it on the other. Again this is a theory because I don’t know what other units they could be referring too.
Really if they are labeling it in IUs that is not good because it will just confused someone new to this and make them think that test enanthate should be sold and doses as IUs. I mean I guess some places in the world might do this but on a whole in this AAS community we use MGs for our gear and IUs for HCG, HGH and insulin. Trying to look more professional by putting IUs on your UGL gear just screams out that you are focusing too much on looking like a professional product and taking that time away from making it a professional product.
The only other thing I can think of is that unit is how many bottles were in the batch maybe?
Thanks for the reply, yes it’s a little confusing, I’ve ran this company for a couple years now and have had good results, but just noticed the difference in the units On the two bottles. I always thought it was weird mentioning units per ml on a test bottle also. It’s probably just a typo. But I’m hoping it’s test E and not test prop lol
100 units is a mL on a slin pin, think amount it as 1 unit = .01 mL
Good lord though 3%BA
Yes a little high, I believe 2% is more of the norm for the longer esters, but then again I’ve never had any issues with Pip.
I have been home brewing for a little bit, little over a year I believe. I spend a good deal of time researching recipes. I actually have been seeing some recipes where the bb is lower or none existent and in turn the BA is higher than the typical 1-2%.
I personally have seen recipes for test e going all the way up to 600mgs with the typical 2%ba and 20%bb. I have also seen 250 with like 8%bb and 2%ba. I just saw a EQ one at 300 with no bb but 5-6%ba (I think can’t clearly recall right now)
I really couldn’t tell you why all of a sudden I have seen this change in the recipes. I could finally be getting into legit production recipes meant to take advantage of the economics of scale. Or there could be a shift in the industry over the past year, idk.
I personally think they would have no problem holding that test e at 300 with 16bb and 2ba but maybe they do that extra ba because of concerns about it holding during the shipping. (Ba is cheaper than bb typically) Of course with them having obvious typos on their labels with the two different unit numbers it’s also possible they just accidentally put in an extra precent of ba so they labeled it as such. Or it could be another typo.
Is there a big difference in pip from 2%-3% BA? I’ve used this product for a while and never had any issues with pip before. But this is the first time I’ve received it in the red label with the 3%